Friday, September 6, 2024

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 2024. Throughout Canada, all vials of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines have been ordered destroyed! 

    "A spokesperson for Alberta Health says that as of Aug. 31, all old-strain COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available, but neither is the new formula."

    "the provinces and territories were directed by Health Canada to remove and destroy all current COVID-19 vaccine formulation(XBB) from all sites across their jurisdictions on August 31, 2024,” an Alberta Health statement said Wednesday."

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are contaminated with trillions of DNA plasmids and fragments. They are destroying evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine contamination in Canada, which is a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. Can the Alberta Minister of Health Adriana La Grange be held criminally liable for destroying evidence of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine contamination? Scientists like Kevin McKernan and DJ Speicher will no longer be able to conduct research and test contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials. Read more >

Surviving The Greatest IRT Reality Game Ever Produced

Nephillim, satanists, globalists, aliens. War. HAARP Attacks. Monkeypox, bird flu, Kill Gates’ pets… genetically modified mosquito death jabs. Climate change propaganda. Digital IDs. Vaccine passports.  Cyber attacks. Blackouts. Invading armies of imported terrorists. Stopping war on children just long enough to kill them with lethal polio injections. Fat trannies taking hands with White Guys For Kamala. Complete Societal Breakdown. I’ve said it many times before, life is a dream, a game, a movie. It’s The Matrix, the TrueMAN Show, Lord of the Rings, and Hunger Games all packaged into one crazy, exhilarating rollercoaster ride. It’s a 5-star Video Game simulation where the Controller’s goal is to influence our decisions without us knowing it; numb our senses without us feeling it; control our lives without us realizing it. Our goal is to survive and even stronger in mind, body and spirit. Watch show here >

Cliffe Knechtle Debates Three Different Muslims

In this video, Cliffe Knechtle debates three different Muslims about Christianity vs. Islam including if Jesus really is God. Links to the full discussions are down below:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Druthers Newspaper - September 2024


*  The Joy of Defiance
*  Fluoride Lowers IQ In Children
*  Vaccine Advice For Parents
*  The Hidden Dangers of Vegetable Seed Oils
*  Beware Lease Contracts For Wind and Solar
*  Undereported Immigration Amendment
*  And many more

Read the September edition of Druthers Newspaper online here:

Who Can Make War With The Beast?

Many readers will be familiar with the various beasts mentioned in the book of Revelation, some having several heads and 10 horns when finally the 8th beast arises with 2 horns. 

The different beasts represent various phases of control over the nations and Israelite empires symbolised as mountains in the Bible. The Bible, refers to this evil controlling power as mystery Babylon because its control is secret. Since the demise of the original Babylon, it is still very much with us, having moved its location and is now located in the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC - the three evil frogs of Revelation!

The horns, except for the little horn, are the tribes of Israel. Ten horns (Levi, the civil servants and Judah the sceptre tribe amongst all the tribes). Horns represent government, hence the little horn because it was a very small tribe compared
to true Israel, it arose in the midst of all the other tribes, till eventually it controlled all the tribes. Read more >

Friday, August 30, 2024

This Stupid, Indifferent, and Indoctrinated Population Cannot Be Fixed

"The American people, taking one with another, constitute the most timorous, snivelling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goosesteppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the end of the Middle Ages." ~ H. L. Mencken

It seems that the very astute Mencken had a handle on the sorry state of Americans many decades ago. Of course, his observations were correct, but I doubt even he would have believed what is going on today. It is pure insanity. From the staged 9/11 incident, to all the so-called shootings over the past 25 years, to the murderous and aggressive U.S. wars, to the riots, looting, burning, and assaults on the streets, to the purposeful destruction of the economy, to the fake 'covid' pandemic, to the lockdowns, business closures, mask wearing, evil (all) presidents, "woke'" madness, pre-planned inundation of non-immigrant immigrants, the staged (fake) 'assassination' attempt of the moronic Trump, the fully U.S. supported Israeli genocide of an entire people, and now to the plotted soap opera of Biden 'standing down' for Harris. This of course, is just an infinitesimal amount of all the bullshit that has been going on for many decades, and to list it all would be a gargantuan task.

Read more >

The Silent Holocaust

A sorrowful and tragic prophecy from the Bible has already come to pass in our day and age: " the last shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous...disobedient to parents...without natural affection...incontinent, fierce...lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God..." (II Timothy 3:1-4).

The prophecy describes character traits of modern human beings, especially in the Free World. Perhaps nowhere do these terrible qualities reveal themselves than in the subject of abortion. It is amazing how far we have sunk in just a little more than several decades. Read more >

Kill Gates’ Pest Control Agenda In Action

It’s a veritable zoo of psyops agendas out there. The United States of Absurdities is currently in a panic over Monkeypox, Bird flu, Sloth fever, and not one, but TWO different Mosquito viruses!  First, Your Holiness Dr. Fraudci is allegedly just recovering from a bout of West Nile Virus, the symptoms of which include no symptoms at all. Yet, just like the Covaids plandemic, Americans have been put on a curfew, warned to stay at home, lock their doors, wrap themselves in plastic… and stay glued to their television for new propaganda and spellcasting.  While doing all that, their friendly CDC exterminator team will conduct aerial and truck-mounted ground spray operations. Rest assured, this is totally unrelated to the large-scale spraying of homes, fields, kids, pets, cattle, and entire American cities with DDT, which, even as its horror side effects started emerging, “saved far more lives than it was endangering” according to scientists. Sound familiar? 

Oh, and I’m not saying all these new mosquito viruses are part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment… but… all these new mosquito viruses are likely part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment.  It’s as simple as exchanging donuts and beer for a lethal injection: 

1) Release bio-weapons; 

2) Lockdown ze human bugs; 

3) Spray zem with lethal chemicals. 

Or in the case of Israhell in Gaza – blow up little kids, call it “an accident”, and go after the survivors with your polio death jab. 

I swear, you can’t make up today’s vlog script if you tried, although maybe it really is the Apocalypse and we’re dealing with some modern version of the plagues in Script-ure. Watch here >

Is D.C. Run By Demons?

Nancy Pelosi reveals she is a cold-blooded reptilian and Chuck Schumer orders a demon out of his chair. Crazy stuff!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

TOYOTA CEO: This New Engine Will End Electric Cars

Even though technology is advancing at a rate that blows our minds, no one could ever have guessed that there would come a day where you could get some water from the kitchen sink, pour into your car’s tank, and be good to go on a trip to the supermarket or to another state. However, Toyota’s announcement about an engine that will soon end the era of electric cars suggests that it is possible for car engines to run on water. But, what are the odds that a car can run on only water without fuel or electricity? Stay with us as we explore the new and exciting advancements in car technology and discover all Toyota has to say about their new water engine. Watch here >

Monday, August 26, 2024

Zionists Did 9-11 - Why is US Defending Israel?

Twenty-three years after Sept 11, 2001, millions of Americans believe the attacks were orchestrated by Osama bin Laden and nineteen guys with box cutters. You probably know some people like that yourself, people who refuse to accept reality and cling to the lies they've been told. If so, I suggest you remove those folks from your life. That might sound harsh, so let me explain in simple language why it's so important. Anyone who claims that 9/11 was anything other than an Israeli Mossad operation from start to finish is either a selfish fool or a traitorous liar. There's no in-between. Let's look at both groups, starting with the selfish fools. Read more >

Religious Fundamentalism Empowered As Canada, UK Appoint Top Legal Positions

Both Britain and Canada have installed Muslim citizens as the top legal eagles in their respective countries. It's a curious phenomenon, made all the more fascinating by the fact that media in Canada have buried this critical development. "In a historic ceremony at the Royal Courts of Justice, MP Shabana Mahmood was sworn in as the first female Muslim Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom." "The event marked a milestone in British history, with Ms Mahmood swearing her oath on the Holy Quran." In Canada, the equivalent position is held by Liberal Attorney General Arif Virani, who as an immigrant from Uganda, revealed his true colours in a controversial bureaucratic appointment last month. Like Virani, Birju Dattani is a Muslim migrant from Uganda. Read more >

Gain of Function Genocide In Action: Operation Monkeypox Begins while Jones Plantation Reality Show Mesmerizes the Tax Slaves

In today’s vlog, Appolonia makes a brief guest appearance and we discuss the CovAids-Shingles-Plague-Pox they’re breaking out as the next plandemic. Maybe, as a cover for the billions of people who are going to die of the previous ‘clot shot for a donut’. Or, maybe billions will die from a new lethal injection specially engineered for the monkeypox. Or, maybe it will be a new genetically engineered variant that has been engineered to be jab-resistant, which will infect 3.2 billion people and kill 271 million. And, if you think that’s strangely specific, those numbers are according to the 2021 Nuclear Threat Initiative report that was published while the world was obsessed with coronavirus statistics and TikTok videos of dancing nurses. This time, the Demon/Reptilian/Nephilim/Alien rulers are revealing themselves and changing history before our eyes, raising a 90-foot monkey statue in Texas (the third biggest in the US); as well as a demon reptile with monkeypox and an all-seeing eye on his chest and a giant penis in New Orleans where a confederate statue used to be. The masks are coming off, and it’s happening while mind-controlled DemonRAT and RepubliCRAT slaves continue to be mesmerized by the evil Satanic 2-party system.  Watch here >

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Anti-Immigration Riots In U.K. Censored By Canadian Media For A Reason

Media's obsession with so-called  "Islamophobia" results in a critical yet overlooked element of the equation. Who is responsible for an immigration policy which results in a host culture being overwhelmed by immigration? That would be government, and not "the people."  The dynamic is consistent throughout the Anglosphere. Media immediately jump over the complexity of these situations to brand the perpetrators "far-right" thugs. Never do the press state that it's immigration policy that Britons are fed-up with, as opposed to a targeting of specific “racialized” communities. Read more >

Comments About the British Riots Against Immigration

Whichever way you cut it, the imposition of immigrant diversity upon whites has been a huge failure according to almost every criteria we employ:

  • it has come along with endless campaign to fight “white racism” leading to a permanent climate of racial tension felt primarily by lower and middle classes whites living among immigrants
  • it has entailed the promotion of the blatant lie, orchestrated by teachers and university professors themselves, that all Western nations are intrinsically “immigrant nations” constituted by diverse races
  • it has resulted, in most Western nations, in continuous transfers of income and wealth from whites to nonwhites, amounting to trillions
  • it has nurtured a media, and a professional elite, that is now trained to construct lies, cover up crimes, and forced upon everyone the belief that “diversity is our strength”
  • it has required white men who wish to integrate into this system of racial mixing, get and education and a career, to emasculate themselves and lose their dignity
  • it has transformed once clean, stable, nice smelling cities into third-world like noisy and dirty cities — notwithstanding the billions spend on city planning thanks to white taxpayers
  • it has resulted in persisting killing and rape of white women and girls by nonwhite immigrants and its acceptance by a white male ruling class devoid of honor

Read more >

HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Massive Stock and Crypto Crash, WWIII On The Verge And Immigrant Invasion in England

Absolutely everything is crashing. And, this is JUST THE BEGINNING. It will get so much worse you won't believe it. This is it, exactly what I've been warning about: A financial collapse and WWIII, combined with cyber attacks and bird flu COVAIDS 2.0 plandemic. PLUS! Who is Maxwell Yearick? Who is Axel Rudakubana? And…What is the Kalergi Plan? Watch show here >

Was Jasper Devastation Caused by a DEW?

Was a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) used to target Jasper because the Premier of Alberta dared to say no to the nefarious plans of Prime Minister Trudeau, and his global elite handlers, to put an end to the production of oil and gas in Alberta? Read more >

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Druthers Newspaper - August 2024


*  17 Million Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
*  International Bird Flu Summit
*  Statins and Accelerated Aging
*  Why is Canada Burning?
*  Scientists Create Organic Slave Computer
*  The Mainstream Worldview is a Mass-Produced Artificial Psychosis
*  And many more

Read the August edition of Druthers Newspaper online here:

Buckle Up, The Brotherhood Of Evil Is In Their Power Cycle, and We Should Expect A False Flag Terror Attack Against The United States In The Coming Months

One of the more recent questions that concern all but those who are actually running the world is just who is actually running this particular nation; who selects our presidents.  It should be most obvious to anyone actually paying attention to things that they are NOT actually “elected” but are selected as we have discussed many times before in this column.   We will not get the answer today, but we will see very clearly that they do in fact have full control over our state of affairs. Read more >

Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado


This confirmation from Colorado is very meaningful, because the same self assembly nanotechnology we found in the COVID bioweapons is in dental anesthetics. I also showed microscopy of many childhood vaccines, Insulin, and other injectable drugs.  We, concerned scientists and doctors around the world, have been correct in our warnings all along, and gradually rigorous scientific evaluations from reputable Universities prove this point. The question is, what will humanity do about it? How can you continue to ignore the self evident while harm is being done to our fellow humans? Read more >

Ukraine War is Slavic Genocide

A 1994 speech by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson suggests that the Ukraine war might be a part of a larger plan for Slavic Genocide.  However, although many Ukrainian soldiers have died, Russian reluctance to target civilians would belie this analysis. On the other hand, Russia's failure to trace the problem to Organized Jewry and Chabad, referring to NATO as "Anglo Saxons" would support it. Read more >

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Not Black, She’s Lazy and Flirts To Get What She Wants

This is the best biography lesson in twenty-three minutes on Kamala Harris. Judge Joe Brown breaks his silence on how he really feels about Kamala Harris. He knows Kamala better than most people and he is more honest about Kamala than her peers.  Watch on YouTube >

REVISITED: White Birth Rates Declining . . . By Design

Never in history has an entire race been targeted for extinction by propaganda.  The jooz have done a number on the minds of gullible Whites, using Islam and non-Whites to outbreed us while we wallow in self-pity and “white guilt.”    This is the same lie that was told to Eve by the “serpent” in the Garden.  Race-mix and die, Whitey!  Read moreA Classic Book About Demographics >

IT’S WAR! Stealthy, Asymmetric, Guerrilla Warfare Coming To America

While the NWO cabal is accomplishing several goals by flooding the USA with illegal aliens, there is one pivotal objective that reigns supreme.  By staging one border invasion of after another, the globalists are able to secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being amnesty seekers, which they are not. Many are even purposefully released violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in America.  Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortunes and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially 3 duties/destinations for these fighting aged men.

(1) The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organized terrorists cells. There they will await their future orders.

(2) The paid mercenaries will be sent to extremely clandestine military training camps to be trained in urban and rural guerrilla warfare. Again, they will await their future orders.

(3) The willing and less dangerous economic immigrants and war refugees are immediately registered into a “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship” program. By volunteering to enter the U.S. Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast-track to full-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks. However, these mercs are also put into specially trained regiments and squads who are stripped of any reservation about firing on Americans. The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs as preparation to man what are basically treasonous brigades.

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic serve critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. The Khazarian decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated color revolution scheme will use basically the same war plan that was utilized during both the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War, if and when they launch this insurrection to save their necks. Read more >

Religious Extremist Attempts To Establish Islamic State Off Canadian Coastline

According to an article published this week in the Toronto Sun, "extremist scholar Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, was thwarted from buying an island on the Canada-U.S. border because the price tag was too steep."  "Al-Habib told followers that Canada would make an ideal base because the country is generally welcoming with lax immigration laws."  If they had purchased, Al-Habib said he would institute sharia law and build schools, hospitals and mosques. They would have had their own army, their own justice system, they would manage their own schools and hospitals, and people from around the world would have been able to migrate to this homeland. Read more >

Chemtrails, The Jets That Spray Them, And The Equipment Used Are Proof Of An Ongoing Global Conspiracy

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. The quantum leap in applied science and technology has “precipitated” a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geoengineering.  Just one component of this secret geoengineering program is known as chemtrails. For those who have never heard of chemtrails, they are not to be confused with contrails, which are the normal exhaust vapors ejected from jet engines in flight.  Read more >

Monday, July 29, 2024

The 33rd Ozempic Hunger Games Opening Satanic Ceremonies, Trump Hoax and Mileikowski Ovation

Here we go again! Trump’s ear had miracle healing, and, a brand new Joe Biden and cringe-cringier-Cackles meet with Bibi to discuss bom-bom-bom bomb-bomb Iran. Plus, the 33rd Olympic Hunger Games ceremony kicked off with more genius-level psychological programming. Wow! ‘Tis the season for psyops. First, there’s the Trump hoax, where the plot continues to sicken as the FBI now agrees that maybe Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet at all, but that the bullet hit the teleprompter, changed direction in the air, and the shrapnel nicked his ear causing it to bleed.  Watch show here >   Or here >

Only a Failing US Empire Would be So Blind as to Cheer Netanyahu and His Genocide

There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives. That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States. On Wednesday, Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way – hailed at every step as a conquering hero – to the podium of the US Congress. Read more >

WEF Memo Reveals Plan to Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People By 2030

WEF Memo Reveals Plan to Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People By 2030.  The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030. The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030.  If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again. According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority. The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes. Watch show here >

Friday, July 26, 2024

Introducing The New Monetary System

They are going to use a world war to introduce a new monetary system involving total surveillance. This is what BlackRock Is HIDING From You' (This is exactly what is planned). Mark of the Beast?  Watch here >

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior


If Donald Trump gets elected in 2024, there's only one reason for his installation into the Oval Office--ISRAEL WANTS HIM THERE. In other words, now that the Democrat Party has abandoned the apartheid state of Israel, especially in view of the horrific Gaza genocide, Team Netanyahu has no choice but to show the American people that the U.S. Federal Government is a hardcore ZOG. Read more >

Just Where Will Israel Be Re-Gathered To?

Prophecy tells us that a remnant of Israel will be re-gathered to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, after their diaspora. So we have Israel banished from the Promised Land but this is not for all time. There is a VAST volume of prophecy about both Houses being re-gathered to the land promised to the Fathers. Where the Children of Israel went to is not an endpoint! Where they went to is the same place where they are “gathered” from after this. Israel comes out from amongst “the heathen”. Israel and Judah do NOT become one nation outside of “their own land”.  Read more >

HISTORY: Documenting Silence That Russian “Oligarchs” Are Israelis

After the collapse of the Soviet empire, a group of Zionists in Russia seemingly steeped in ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, lied, cheated, stole, and murdered, their way into virtually all positions of power throughout the country. They used gangs (some of which probably included mossad agents) to intimidate and murder their opponents in order to gain control of between 70-85% of Russia’s industries including most of its natural resources. They also took control of Russia’s media which they then used to elect Boris Yeltsin as President of Russia despite the fact that he was a brain-dead, vodka soaked, alcoholic. Within a matter of years these Russian traitors had become billionaires having stolen vast quantities of Russian assets. They exported as much as possible of their ill-gotten wealth to the Zionist state in Palestine just in case the Russians might ask for their money back. Read more >

Misinterpreting Ezekiel's Temple Vision

Modern Dispensational-Futurism has created an entire illusory scenario whereby the Jews rebuild the Jerusalem Temple on the same old Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with Jewish salvation by animal sacrifices, and ruled over by a unitary world Anti-Christ. It appears clear that Ezekiel had offered a wonderful prophecy of restoration to the exiles if they would repent and return to the true God, but they refused. Read more >

Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This

The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.  He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?  The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”  There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with. Read more >

Monday, July 22, 2024

Benjamin Freedman Zionist Treachery Speech

Pastor Eli James and Ted Midward discuss Benjamin Freedman's powerful 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC. Benjamin Freedman claimed a conspiracy among powerful Zionists in the banking and financial elite to undermine Germany during World War I. He also claimed that a group of Zionists offered to embroil the United States in World War I on the Allied side in return for British support for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. He claimed support was offered in the form of the Balfour Declaration issued by the British Government to the head of the British Jewish Community Lord Rothschild. He claimed that he was there and "ought to know".   Listen here >

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Forgive Trump His Fakery

Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing. After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is four more years of an impostor pretending to be Joe Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump, I'll take Trump. Read more >

NWO, Noahide Laws and 30,000 Guillotines!

Noachide laws and decapitation for confessing that "Jesus is Lord". It is in fact the Lubavitch Jewish movement of which the NWO is based.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Top 20 Celebrities That are Supposedly in the Illuminati

Difficult to watch but are these famous actors, singers, models and athletes part of a high-powered secret society, the Illuminati, or are they just demons and agents of Satan? Either way, they are infecting a generation of our children with their sickness.

The Invasion Of Ireland

A month ago, Micheal Yon posted a video on Twitter to explain what is happening in Ireland with the wave of immigration which he says is actually an invasion.

Ireland has a military of about 6,700 but an estimated 120,000 “migrants” have entered the country.  These “migrants” are clearly invaders, “I’ve been there looking at it [in 2022],” he said and discussed a map prepared by a “military man” that shows the locations of the facilities that are housing the invaders.

In Dublin County alone, there are 36 of these locations where between 30-2,000 men are being housed.  “If you’re familiar with Dublin, some of these locations control the entry and exit points of the city,” he said. “They seem to set up in militarily significant locations.  In other words, so that you can be controlled – if you’re in Dublin you can be controlled.”  Read and listen here >

President Trump and JD Vance Hold Major Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan - 7/20/24

Powerful message, can we believe it?  President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America and Vice Presidential Nominee Senator JD Vance will deliver remarks at a Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Saturday, July 20, 2024, at 5:00 P.M. EDT. This will be President Trump and Senator Vance’s first rally after officially accepting the Republican Nomination for President and Vice President of The United States of America. Watch on RSBN >

Will Temple Sacrifices Resume in the Millennium?

Many readers of the Bible think they see -- in the last nine chapters of Ezekiel -- a portrayal of a new religious state and a new Temple and services in Jerusalem -- all in the predicted Millennial Age. Others see it as contradicting the Messiah's sacrifice and as a constant ritual blood-letting of animals for the insatiable altar of the new Temple -- and abhor it! What is the TRUTH?  Read more >

The Second Coming of Trumpery - Part 1

The supposed alternative to the insane, Jew-subservient, anti-White Democratic administration is also anti-White, also insane, also Jew-subservient, and not an alternative. The Republicans are sure death for us, just as much as the Democrats. The only choice for White people now is to build our own all-White, real-world, racially conscious communities, as the National Alliance is doing now, and work for the day when we can totally secede from the blankos, the voracious Brown mass they force on us, and their Semitic overlords. Every second our people spend working for, hoping for, or talking about a Trump “victory” is a second we could have spent working for the White Imperium to come. Do you really want your legacy to be that you came in to serious racial community-building just a bit too late to make our success happen, or that your lack of serious commitment helped ruin your children’s future? Do you want your legacy to be that you helped elect a president who was instrumental in criminalizing White racial-nationalism and setting us back for decades? I didn’t think so. Read more >

Is Extreme Weather a Sign of God's Wrath?

"Honest scientists have proven that man-made climate change (formerly global warming) is a hoax - and a pathetic one at that. Could a better explanation be that God has had enough of all the ever-increasing debauchery and sexual perversion around the world and is beginning to bring judgment to the Earth and its inhabitants?"  Read more >

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt Staged?

Michael Jaco: Trump Assassination Attempt Staged? Are We Seeing the Beginning of Larger Movements to Takedown the Deep State?  Watch show here >

The Trump Assassination Attempt

As I learned a long time ago with my investigation of the 1995 OKC bombing, start with the initial facts on the ground. Explore as many of them as possible—including those omitted in press coverage. The political motives are vital, of course. But don’t get so wrapped up in them that you ignore the anomalies right in front of your nose that don’t make sense. They don’t make sense because they’re covering up unreported facts.  Read more > And here >

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying ‘Air Vax’ mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails

Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe. Watch show here >

Related article >

Contempt For Poilievre's Church Visit Exemplify Trudeau's Anti-Christian Agenda

Religious wars of the world are as old as the hills. That one of them is emanating from Parliament Hill in Canada should be well understood, but isn't. Not even close. Nine years of our current Liberal government has resulted in an un recognized transition of religious community priority as advanced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Much of the impetus derives from propaganda campaigns aimed at disparaging Christian communities in Canada-- accusation of historical genocide against Indigenous Canadians being central to the assault. Read more >

Friday, July 12, 2024

MOVIE: Remember The Goal

A female coach (Allee-Sutton Hethcoat) fresh out of college takes over the cross country program at an all girls' Christian school and attempts to lead them to their first ever state title. As the runners begin to train, the top 5 girls all deal separately with particular issues relevant to teen life. As each of these stories unfold, so does the wisdom of the young coach as she guides the girls along the pathway of life. Watch movie here >

Project Total Control: Everything Is a Weapon When Totalitarianism Is Normalized

The U.S. government is working to re-shape the country in the image of a totalitarian state. This has remained true over the past 50-plus years no matter which political party held office. This will remain true no matter who wins the 2024 presidential election.

In the midst of the partisan furor over Project 2025, a 920-page roadmap for how to re-fashion the government to favor so-called conservative causes, both the Right and the Left have proven themselves woefully naive about the dangers posed by the power-hungry Deep State.

Yet we must never lose sight of the fact that both the Right and the Left and their various operatives are extensions of the Deep State, which continues to wage psychological warfare on the American people. Read more >

Elizabeth Dilling - America's Joan of Arc

After a visit to the USSR in 1931, Elizabeth Dilling  (1894-1966)  did more than anyone (except Father  Coughlin) to expose the true satanic nature of Judaism and Communism.

We ignored her warnings and have been paying the price ever since

Her book "The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today"
(Originally titled, "The Plot Against Christianity") is online. Read more >

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Now Has One Of America's Most Absurd 'Hate Crime' Laws

Casey Whalen from North Idaho Exposed joins Henrik to talk about the new 'Hate Crime Ordinance' that was just passed by the liberal city council in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, one of the Whitest and most conservative towns in America. How did this happen and who are the people that are transforming Coeur d'Alene with LGBTQ events, trans propaganda in the libraries, refugee resettlement and deep rooted liberal nepotism? Watch show here >

Comments on Euro-Canadians, Christians, and Solzhenitsyn

The evidence is indisputable: Canada was built from the ground up by indigenous EuroCanadians with next to 0 immigration from nonwhite world. The claim that Canada is a “nation of diverse immigrants” is a willful act of deception intended to justify the ethnocide of Euro-Canadians. Most of the men and women who built Canada were INDIGENOUS to this nation, and the ones who came from outside were overwhelmingly French, Irish, British, Scottish and European until the 1970s. II. In 1867, 79% percent of Canadian residents had been born in Canada. Before Confederation, there were only “two quite limited periods” of substantial immigration: from 1783 to 1812, and from 1830 to 1850. In these two periods, immigrants came primarily from the British Isles. From 1871 to 1891, a high fertility rate allowed the population of Canada to grow from 3.7 to 4.8 million. Read more >

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Women Have Become Unhinged

I work with women in the healthcare profession.  I am a woman, and I find the majority of women today to be utterly disgusting and toxic.  What women do and talk about when men aren't present is completely amoral and vile.  I have never seen men behave in the disgusting ways that I have seen women behave in a supposed professional work environment.

The forefathers were correct about women's nature and they do in fact, need to be kept under a very tight rein. The matriarchy has gone far enough. Read more >

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

FLASHBACK: Daryl Bradford Smith: World Zionist Control, Chabad Lubavitch

Daryl Bradford Smith's research and internet radio show The French Connection on Zionism have woken up many people to the problems we face today. He was an early pioneer on the internet in the world truth movement.

Some of history’s darkest chapters involved brutal coercion of people because certain other people believed themselves to be “The chosen people of God”.  Judaizing requires the DESTRUCTION of every kind of identity that is not the preservation of Jews. If you do not demand the destruction of all loyalties except loyalty to Jews, 'God's Chosen People', you are committing blasphemy in the eyes of Jewish Law AND gentile judaizers alike.

Our destruction is the first law of Judaism.  It is a natural consequence, a fundamental hostile DEMAND, of the Jewish outlook on life.  That's evil-PERIOD.  For OUR racial and other identities to survive, we must stop people who are judaizing us in our own nations. Most of them today are NOT Jews. And see them to a place where they can ONLY spread that hostility to each other.  Listen to show here >

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...