Showing posts with label Tribes of Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tribes of Israel. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Who Can Make War With The Beast?

Many readers will be familiar with the various beasts mentioned in the book of Revelation, some having several heads and 10 horns when finally the 8th beast arises with 2 horns. 

The different beasts represent various phases of control over the nations and Israelite empires symbolised as mountains in the Bible. The Bible, refers to this evil controlling power as mystery Babylon because its control is secret. Since the demise of the original Babylon, it is still very much with us, having moved its location and is now located in the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC - the three evil frogs of Revelation!

The horns, except for the little horn, are the tribes of Israel. Ten horns (Levi, the civil servants and Judah the sceptre tribe amongst all the tribes). Horns represent government, hence the little horn because it was a very small tribe compared
to true Israel, it arose in the midst of all the other tribes, till eventually it controlled all the tribes. Read more >

Satanists Advance World War

  As the world teeters on the brink of world war, remember that all world wars are orchestrated by globalists (Freemasons on both sides) to ...