Showing posts with label South Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Africa. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

APARTHEID – First-Hand History

This video is the first instalment of a three part series which illustrates in extensive detail the historical context, international pressures and deep divisions within South Africa. From the ANC to the BAC, Professor Eric Louw provides a first-hand recount of the far-left subversion within South African institutions, and the resulting impacts.

More importantly, it highlights the growth of similar radical movements within all western countries. It may be too late to save South Africa, but it is not too late to save Australia.  Watch video here >

Monday, July 1, 2024

Fear Of A White Planet

Few things cause media outrage as much as white people existing quietly, not interacting with other people. The key distinction between white nationalism and “fake” forms of racial nationalism is that the former reflects a desire to be left alone, while other races demand to be subsidized by whites while simultaneously increasing their political power and control.

Once again, some in modern South Africa are attacking the successful Afrikaner enclave of Orania. The country’s constitution is supposed to protect the community’s right to self-determination, but the abstraction of the “rule of law” is always secondary to racial grievances. Andrew Louw, provincial chairman of the ActionSA party in the Northern Cape, says recognizing Orania undermines the “democratic fabric of our society.” In a statement issued on June 22, he said, “We must strive for a South Africa where diversity is celebrated within a united national identity, ensuring that democracy remains vibrant and inclusive for all.” Read more >

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...