
The following is a list of recommended publishing houses and books:

Artisan Publishers  Publishers of some of the most profound books about Israelite heritage.

Books by Pastor Mark Downey Three softback books are now available of select writings of the late pastor Mark W. Downey:

An Apologia for Christian Identity. A presentation and defense of this revived Christian philosophy that is rooted in the Bible.

Mark My Words, America! Key political sermons.

Racial Issues of the Bible.
In some of Mark's best sermons he examines universalism and race mixing issues as found in the Bible.

CI Australia Reading Room hosts the largest selection of thought-provoking eBooks. Never take it for granted that books like these will be available online for always. They won't. Our anti-censorship friends on the left will see to that. Download as many as you need and store them on durable media for that terrible day when the Internet, or your access to it, is no more. Do it now.

Money Tree Publishing has a great selection of powerful books, CDs and videos on hidden or banned knowledge. They host books by a wide array of authors which are published by Money Tree Publishing, Turning The Tide Publishing, Moon Rock Books. Special books and series on Erasing The Liberty, In Black And White and The Parkland Puzzle may be found there. They also host Speak Free Radio.

The Great Impersonation  Pastor Eli James's book, The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World, can be summarized in three concise statements: 1) Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judahite; and there is a world of difference between the two concepts. 2) The Jewish people are not Israelites. They are, in fact, the ones deceiving the whole world by impersonating Israel. 3) The Bible is not a Jewish book. The Bible is a book that was written to, for, by and about Israel exclusively.

Will the Real Israel Please Stand Up!  What can we do about the decline of the Christian west? Like the ancient Israelites in Egypt, Americans are simply slaves driven by the taskmasters to produce more with less. The author exposes some little known history of our ancestors and shows the path to regain our liberty. This book is "the rest of the story" and it should give Christians the basic principles needed to understand who they are, where they are going, and what is going on in the world. A primer into Christian Identity in a blend of history, politics and theology. You will never view the Bible the same after reading this book. A must read for Christians and Patriots who wonder what happened to a Christian nation.

Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad Stealth Invasion blows the lid off a corrupt, fraudulent program that has been secretly dumping Third World refugees, many of them radical, on American cities for three decades. Readers will meet the people and groups behind this shadowy resettlement network, which starts at the United Nations and includes the White House, the U.S. State Department, some surprising church groups, and corporate honchos involved in everything from investment banking and meatpacking, to Florida vacations and yogurt. manufacturing.



The International Jew -- The World's Foremost Problem  By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the editors of The Dearborn Independent.

Four volume set booklets based on articles published by Henry Ford in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent, and subsequently republished as The International Jew.





Illuminati - The Cult that Hijacked the World  Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing. Naturally they want to protect this prize by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their defiance of God.

Thus, the people who hold our purse strings are conspiring against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organizations, especially government, intelligence agencies, education and the mass media.

We are being re-engineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division. They have orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third.



Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion  This document purported to be a report of a series of 24 (in other versions, 27) meetings held at Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, at the time of the first Zionist congress. There Jews and Freemasons were said to have made plans to disrupt Christian civilization and erect a world state under their joint rule. 



America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It  Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a muezzin. Europeans already are. And liberals will still tell you that "diversity is our strength"--while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn't violate the "separation of church and state," and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.

If you think this can't happen, you haven't been paying attention. The future, as Steyn shows, belongs to the fecund and the confident. And the Islamists are both, while the West is looking ever more like the ruins of a civilization.

The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire  The American Empire is finished and will soon become another cautionary tale, tossed upon the trash heap of history, and destroyed by the very same societal issues that plagued the many former empires that share similar fates. It did not have to end this way, but when the most devious and ruthless members of a society are tasked with running the system, the outcome can hardly be in dispute. All empires fall, but it is the reason they eventually come apart that is surprisingly similar. The fate of America will not be any different. Like a 47-story steel and concrete building that is covertly slated for demolition, the American Empire was built on a rotten foundation and has been targeted for destruction. The core of the building has been pre-weakened over the decades through government policies, had its support columns identified and rigged with financial detonators, watched society be transformed into a culture incapable of recognizing their impending doom to sound the alarm, and as the plunger is pushed down and the destruction begins, many people will have no idea of what is coming their way until it is too late. Once the debris is cleared away there is hope that a new civilization can be built, but will they make the same mistakes, or can they learn from the past and chart a different course?

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...