Showing posts with label Lies & Deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lies & Deception. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Comments About the British Riots Against Immigration

Whichever way you cut it, the imposition of immigrant diversity upon whites has been a huge failure according to almost every criteria we employ:

  • it has come along with endless campaign to fight “white racism” leading to a permanent climate of racial tension felt primarily by lower and middle classes whites living among immigrants
  • it has entailed the promotion of the blatant lie, orchestrated by teachers and university professors themselves, that all Western nations are intrinsically “immigrant nations” constituted by diverse races
  • it has resulted, in most Western nations, in continuous transfers of income and wealth from whites to nonwhites, amounting to trillions
  • it has nurtured a media, and a professional elite, that is now trained to construct lies, cover up crimes, and forced upon everyone the belief that “diversity is our strength”
  • it has required white men who wish to integrate into this system of racial mixing, get and education and a career, to emasculate themselves and lose their dignity
  • it has transformed once clean, stable, nice smelling cities into third-world like noisy and dirty cities — notwithstanding the billions spend on city planning thanks to white taxpayers
  • it has resulted in persisting killing and rape of white women and girls by nonwhite immigrants and its acceptance by a white male ruling class devoid of honor

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Not Black, She’s Lazy and Flirts To Get What She Wants

This is the best biography lesson in twenty-three minutes on Kamala Harris. Judge Joe Brown breaks his silence on how he really feels about Kamala Harris. He knows Kamala better than most people and he is more honest about Kamala than her peers.  Watch on YouTube >

Monday, July 29, 2024

Only a Failing US Empire Would be So Blind as to Cheer Netanyahu and His Genocide

There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives. That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States. On Wednesday, Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way – hailed at every step as a conquering hero – to the podium of the US Congress. Read more >

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This

The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.  He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?  The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”  There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with. Read more >

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Politics Is Not The Answer

One puppet US president or the other won't change anything the American plantation enslavement will continue onward unabated under a different perception just as it's been done for decades! It's an Aristocratic Club and the majority isn't allowed to join!

Watch The David Icke Show here > Show starts at 1:14 timestamp

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...