Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This

The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.  He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?  The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”  There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with. Read more >

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