Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of Israel

While most Christians are taught to universalize all of the parables of Jesus, each parable has a deeper meaning that only those with spiritual discernment will understand.

Especially with the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Christians will understand only the banal, superficial meaning — that even the worst sinners must be welcomed back into their congregations if they show repentance — and “good” Christians shouldn’t be angered over the gifts of grace bestowed on those who have not led a godly life as they have.

But beneath the surface of this parable, its true meaning and importance points to a fulfillment of Christ’s explicitly stated purpose, which we cannot emphasize enough:

    “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
    –Matthew 15:24

Among His disciples — especially those Israelites in Judea who had kept the faith and never strayed — the idea that their promised Messiah would show more concern to those Israelites who had abandoned that faith — became divorced from God — and lived for the last 600 years as pagans — certainly rankled many who followed Him faithfully. Read more >

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