
American Christian Ministries

Over a period of 30 years of researching, writing, lecturing and teaching, Ben Williams has learned that what the churches teach is not from the Bible. Typical church teaching comes from ... well, from somewhere else. The hard part is showing people how to get out of the pit of confusion they've inherited from the churches.

 Arnold Kennedy

New Zealand-born Arnold was a prolific writer with a wonderful understanding of the Bible, a keen attention to detail, and who emphasised the importance of etymology.

By Yahweh's Design

An informational and teaching ministry of Pastor Dan Johns which includes graphics, commentaries, poetry, links and podcasts.

Christian Identity Ministries

Christian Identity Ministries invites you to explore their website and discover the truth. They have endeavoured to give you an idea of what their faith is and the doctrines that identify us.

Fellowship of God's Covenant People

Our non-denominational ministry of Covenant believers is a worldwide mission to proclaim two basic premises. The first is to teach who the true Israelites are in the world today and secondly to expose those who falsely lay claim to the title of Israel.

Hope of Israel Ministries

Proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God to All the Nations of Israel!

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries

Modernized Christianity is a distortion of the Divine Plan for the Ages. It's called the theology of dispensationalism, which means, according to the pulpit pimps, dispense or distribute the Word of God to different people (other than Israel) throughout different periods of history. The method of their madness is to suggest that God changed His mind about the covenants and promises so that non-Israelites could now share in the blessings and gifts.

The Sheldon Emry Memorial Library

Sheldon Emry was truly a pastor who fit the prophet Jeremiah's description. Through his teaching many Christian Americans came to realize just how meaningful world history really was. Because of his ability they learned how to apply the Bible, God's Law, to their everyday lives and how it should be applied to American government. It was through this special God-given insight that Pastor Emry was able to show Americans the importance of being a Christian and a Patriot simultaneously. These Americans were able to understand all these things because God used Pastor Emry to open their blinded eyes to their true identity as God's chosen people.

Watchman Outreach Ministries

Preaching, teaching, publishing, proclaiming and heralding the gospel of the kingdom to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

Your Biblical Heritage

There is the version of history that most of us have been taught in the public education system and by the media. But there is another viewpoint of history that challenges the consensus of opinion and popular version of history.

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...