Showing posts with label Immigrant Invasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigrant Invasion. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2024

Religious Fundamentalism Empowered As Canada, UK Appoint Top Legal Positions

Both Britain and Canada have installed Muslim citizens as the top legal eagles in their respective countries. It's a curious phenomenon, made all the more fascinating by the fact that media in Canada have buried this critical development. "In a historic ceremony at the Royal Courts of Justice, MP Shabana Mahmood was sworn in as the first female Muslim Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom." "The event marked a milestone in British history, with Ms Mahmood swearing her oath on the Holy Quran." In Canada, the equivalent position is held by Liberal Attorney General Arif Virani, who as an immigrant from Uganda, revealed his true colours in a controversial bureaucratic appointment last month. Like Virani, Birju Dattani is a Muslim migrant from Uganda. Read more >

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Comments About the British Riots Against Immigration

Whichever way you cut it, the imposition of immigrant diversity upon whites has been a huge failure according to almost every criteria we employ:

  • it has come along with endless campaign to fight “white racism” leading to a permanent climate of racial tension felt primarily by lower and middle classes whites living among immigrants
  • it has entailed the promotion of the blatant lie, orchestrated by teachers and university professors themselves, that all Western nations are intrinsically “immigrant nations” constituted by diverse races
  • it has resulted, in most Western nations, in continuous transfers of income and wealth from whites to nonwhites, amounting to trillions
  • it has nurtured a media, and a professional elite, that is now trained to construct lies, cover up crimes, and forced upon everyone the belief that “diversity is our strength”
  • it has required white men who wish to integrate into this system of racial mixing, get and education and a career, to emasculate themselves and lose their dignity
  • it has transformed once clean, stable, nice smelling cities into third-world like noisy and dirty cities — notwithstanding the billions spend on city planning thanks to white taxpayers
  • it has resulted in persisting killing and rape of white women and girls by nonwhite immigrants and its acceptance by a white male ruling class devoid of honor

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HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Massive Stock and Crypto Crash, WWIII On The Verge And Immigrant Invasion in England

Absolutely everything is crashing. And, this is JUST THE BEGINNING. It will get so much worse you won't believe it. This is it, exactly what I've been warning about: A financial collapse and WWIII, combined with cyber attacks and bird flu COVAIDS 2.0 plandemic. PLUS! Who is Maxwell Yearick? Who is Axel Rudakubana? And…What is the Kalergi Plan? Watch show here >

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...