
The Scriptures

The Bible in its most ancient text, The Septuagint, contains the words of YHWH, The Creator. Most Bibles, as we know them today, are based on the Masoretic Text which was a perverted text created circa 1000 AD. We need to return to the Bible that Yahosha (Jesus) and the Disciples used. In order to know what real Christianity teaches, one must first know what the Scriptures are and what the Scriptures really say from the original Greek. In this light, we suggest one read only The Greek Septuagint (Old Testament) and The Anointed Standard Translation (New Testament).

Times and Laws

As prophesied by the Daniel, YHWH's Times and Laws have been changed. YHWH's Laws are comprised of commandments, statutes, judgments and ordinances. Only the ordinances (ritual sacrifices) came to an end by the sacrificial death of the Messiah Yahosha. The Creator's commandments, statutes and judgments are eternal as stated by Yahosha in Matthew 5:18. The Creator's True Calendar has been hidden from mankind and replaced by the calendar of the adversaries of The Creator.

True Israelites

The Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and Kindred Peoples are the True Israelites of the Old Testament. They are the only race of people who have fulfilled the prophecies given to Abraham. The twelve tribes of Israel were prophesied to multiply exceedingly (Gen 22:17) and to become a mighty nation (America) and a company of nations (Europe, British Commonwealth). Their historical migrations from Assyria through the Caucasian Mountains into Europe and beyond are well documented by ancient historians. It was prophesied that the Israelites would forget their identity but that in the last days The Creator would revive them (Ezekiel 34 and 37).

Nachash's Seed

Nachash (whisperer, enchanter) has literal and physical seed (descendants) as proclaimed by The Creator in Genesis 3:15 and by the Messiah Yahosha in John 8:44. Nachash's seed are a mixed-race people who have ethnic origins from non-Israelite peoples. Although they may masquerade as Israelites, they are not to be confused with the true descendants of the True Israelite tribe of Yahudah (Judah).


Adam and Eve were not the first people. They were a new creation known as the Adamic Race which were designed in The Creator's Image to receive His Spirit. Physically, they can be identified as a race which has the ability to blush (In Hebrew the word 'Adam' means to show blood in the face). All non-Adamic races are descendants of pre-Adamic races. Science and Scripture confirms this.

A Separate People

The Israelites were chosen by The Creator to fulfill a special purpose on this earth as Kings and Priests. They were commanded by The Creator to be a set-apart race and to not mingle their seed (race-mix) with the pre-Adamic races.

An Ancient War

There is a 7000 year old war going on between the Seed of Nachash and the Seed of The Woman as foretold in Genesis 3:15. Untold numbers of Israelites have been murdered by the Seed of Nachash throughout this time period. However, there will come a day when The Creator will destroy the Seed of Nachash and the True Israelite Remnant will rule freely as Kings and Priests on this earth.

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Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...