Genocide Watch


Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

White Americans have been under full scale assault ever since the Jew running the EEOC ignored the statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and imposed racial quotas that made white people, especially gentile males, second class citizens compared to blacks who are designated "preferred minorities" in university admissions, hiring, and promotion.

In the decades that have passed, blacks have learned that their preferred stratus gives them superiority to whites. They have benefitted, as Jews have, from victim status, which protects them from criticism and from being held accountable . Just has it been established that it is not permitted to criticize Israel or Jews (anti-semitism) or question their narratives (holocaust denier), holding blacks accountable is considered proof of white supremacy. Media will not report the race of blacks arrested for crimes.

This leaves white gentiles in a vulnerable position in which white gentiles, like the French people in The Camp of the Saints, have been deracinated and made incapable of justifying their ethnicity and their existence.  Read more



World leaders join Ukraine in marking the anniversary of the Holodomor (Ukrainian Genocide)

Today we honor the memory of the innocent victims of one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Ukrainian people - the Holodomor of 1932-1933. This crime of the Soviet government is one of the most brutal and large-scale crimes against humanity of the 20th century. The was a famine genocide deliberately inflicted on Ukrainian people in 1932 and 1933 by Bolshevik Communist, Joseph Stalin. Read more >


The Dresden Firebombing: Memory and the Politics of Commemorating Destruction

 The firebombing of Dresden marks the terrible apex of the European bombing war. In just over two days in February 1945, over 1,300 heavy bombers from the RAF and the USAAF dropped nearly 4,000 tonnes of explosives on Dresden's civilian centre.Since the end of World War II, both the death toll and the motivation for the attack have become fierce historical battlegrounds, as German feelings of victimhood complete with those of guilt and loss. The Dresden bombing was used by East Germany as a propaganda tool, and has been re-appropriated by the neo-Nazi far right. Meanwhile the rebuilding of the Frauenkirche- the city's sumptuous eighteenth-century church destroyed in the raid-became central to German identity, while in London, a statue of the Commander-in-Chief of RAF Bomber Command, Sir Arthur Harris, has attracted protests. In this book, Tony Joel focuses on the historical battle to re-appropriate Dresden, and on how World War II continues to shape British and German identity today. Buy here >


Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany

Millions murdered . . . Millions raped . . . Millions tortured . . . Millions enslaved . . . Millions of men, women and children cast to the winds.  No matter what you have read about the Second World War, no matter what you have been told about it, no matter what you believe happened during the so-called “Good War” . . . forget it!  Now, for the first time in over 70 years, learn what the war and “peace” looked like to those who lost.  Discover what was done to Germany and her people in the name of “freedom, democracy, and liberation.”  In their own words, in graphic detail, this is their story . . .  Buy here >




Bolshevik Genocide

World Wars Instigated By Elites

Eisenhower Prison Camps



See where we are on the Zionist timeline:

The Protocols purported to be a report of a series of 24 meetings held at Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, at the time of the first Zionist congress. There Jews and Freemasons were said to have made plans to disrupt Christian civilization and erect a world state under their joint rule. Liberalism and socialism were to be the means of subverting Christendom; if subversion failed, all the capitals of Europe were to be sabotaged.

The Protocols




Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...