
 Understanding The Sacred Names

We understand that everyone has a different understanding of what The Creator and The Son's names should be. This webpage is an attempt to delve into these issues and to fulfill the following commandments:

Thou shalt not bring [nasa] the name of YHWH thy Elohim to destruction [shav]; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that brings [nasa] his name to destruction [shav]. [Exodus 20:7 RNKJV with root word study]

And in all that I have said to you, be circumspect and make no mention of the name of other gods, nor let it be heard from your mouth.  [Exodus 23:13 NKJV]

Also, contrary to modern convention, we do not to substitute the Creator's name with the ancient Canaanity Diety, LORD GOD (BA'AL GAD).

Please note the following scriptures:

But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for GAD (Pronounced Gawd, Babylonia Deity of Fortune) , and that furnish the drink offering unto MNIY (The Idol "Fate")

[Isaiah 65:11, RNKJV with root word study]

And EliYah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if YHWH be Elohim, follow him: but if the BA'AL [Lord God], then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

[I Kings 18:21, RNKJV with root word study]

Importance of Using The Name Yahweh

Most people that call themselves Christians today follow the practice of replacing The Creator's name with substitutes. Is this correct to do so? Let's see what Yahweh's word has to say about it.

Quoting from the Hebrew Roots website "The following is an outline of the hundreds of scriptures that show the importance of YHWH's name. Although His name may not seem important to most, by the time you are finished reading these scriptures, there shouldn't be the slightest doubt in your mind that YHWH's name is very important to Him. So shouldn't it be important to us?"

Read more: Importance of Using The Name Yahweh

The Creator's Name

How does one vocalize The Creator's name? There is much dissension on this topic. We believe that we will have to wait for the return of The Messiah to find out.

YHWH/YHVH. Although there are a host of vocalizations of the Creator's Name (i.e., Yahweh, Yahvah, Yahuwah, etc) we are not dogmatic about which vocalization believers should use. It is what one feels comfortable with. Some day soon, the Messiah will reveal to us the proper vocalization of His Father's Name. The Creator's Name means, "The Existing One" which is derived from the verb "To Be" which in Hebrew is HaYAH [Strongs #1961] from the root word HaWAH [Strong's #1933]. There is much debate about the vocalization of third consonant whether it is a V, W or U sound. Since we cannot visit the times when the Israelites spoke Ancient Paleo-Hebrew this vocaliztion has also been lost to us . Also, please note that "HO" (which means behold) does not belong in the Creator's Name as in "YEHOVAH" (a name derived from the Masoretic texts) or "JEHOVAH" (a Middle-Age distortion adopted by the Catholics, etc.) since "HOVAH" [Strongs #H1943] in Hebrew means "A Ruin, Destruction"

The Son's Name

Yahshua is the most common vocalization of The Messiah's name but is this correct?

YAHOSHA. For discussion purposes, we present a different take on the Messiah's Name. It would be easy to use "Yahshua" as the vast majority of Believers do but would it be correct to do so? The Messiah's Name which means, "YHWH is Salvation" or "Behold the Salvation of YHVH" is not represented by "Yahshua!" "SHUA" means "crying for help" [Strongs #H7775, #H7768]. The Hebrew word for salvation is "SHA" [ Strongs #H3467] and "HOSHA" [Strongs #H1954] means "Behold The Salvation Of". Therefore, Yahosha means "behold the salvation of Yahweh."

GOD:  The Canaanite Diety

The universal "name" used by most of the world's peoples when referring to The Creator is GOD. However, in this study we will prove that "God" is the ancient Canaanite Diety GAD which is pronounced "Gawd" in Hebrew.

Quoting from "Once June and I learned that His name is not and never was "God," other truths began to surface. We learned the truth regarding a Canaanite deity of fortune whose name is pronounced "God," and of how this idol is mentioned in scripture, although translators cleverly concealed its name. Isn't it interesting that the name we are taught as belonging to the Creator of the universe turns out to be the name of a Canaanite deity worshipped by those who "forsake Yahweh" (Isaiah 65:11)? Not only this, but translators "hid" Yahweh's name and replaced it with "the LORD," then "hid" the name of the Canaanite deity of fortune, apparently to justify inserting it as a "proper translation" of the Hebrew title "Elohim." Having thus effectively covered their tracks, the stage was set for what is perhaps one of the greatest deceptions of all time: The masking of Yahweh's name. They had to hide Yahweh's name, then present the name "God" in a positive light in order for it to become the accepted name and title that it is today. After all, who, upon discovering the truth about the name of the pagan deity of fortune, would desire to refer to the true Creator with that same name, only now as a "title"?"

Read More: God's Identity

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