
 Historical and Prophetic Overview

Scripture and history confirm that ALL twelve tribes were taken into captivity by the Assyrians with the exception of a small remnant of the tribes of Yahudah, Benjamin and Levi that were living in the environs of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). This remnant was later taken into the Babylonian captivity.

To obtain perspective, we must look at the big picture. The prophetical overview can be summed up very briefly as noted below. Please note that "Israel" refers to ALL twelve tribes not just the tribe of Yahudah (Judah).

Scripture and history confirm that ALL twelve tribes were taken into captivity by the Assyrians with the exception of a small remnant of the tribes of Yahudah, Benjamin and Levi that were living in the environs of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). This remnant was later taken into the Babylonian captivity.

(1) Israel given a Promised Land.

(2) Israel cast out of that land for disobedience [failing to observe The Creator's Laws].

(3) Israel "scattered" amongst many nations (i.e. become "lost" = apollumi), although not without the "place" of a monarch.

(4) Israel regathered from out from among these other peoples.

(5) Israel to re-occupy the same land "promised to the fathers" again, on repentance.

(6) The "New Jerusalem" to be established in the same geographical area as the "Old Jerusalem".

The Identifying Marks of True Israel

The Creator has a people that he has chosen above all other people whom he has called Israel. These people are identified by the following marks in The Holy Scriptures. Only the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples have fulfilled these marks.

(1) They were to be a great nation (Gen. 12.1-3)

(2) To be blessed of YHWH

(3) A blessing to other families

(4) Other peoples were to be blessed or cursed by their attitude towards the Israelites

(5) They were to be a great multitude of people (Gen 15.5)

(6) They were to be captives in a land (Egypt) and then delivered (Gen 15.12)

(7) They were given a great land area in the middle east (Gen 15.18)

(8) They were to be many nations (Gen 17.4)

(9) The Elohim (G-d) of the Bible was to be the Elohim of Abraham's descendents (Gen 17.7)

(10) They would have the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession (Gen 17.8)

(11) The mark of circumcision was given to them (Gen 17.10)

(12) To keep the way of YHWH and to do justice and judgement

(13) To possess the gates of their enemies (Gen 22.)

(14) They were to have great agricultural harvests (Gen 27.)

(15) They would rule over other people. (Gen 28.)

(16) They were to spread abroad from the ancient land of Palestine to the west, east, north and south

(17) To come again into the land of Canaan (after the Egyptian captivity) (Gen ?.)

(18) Jacob's descendents had power with Elohim and with men (Gen 28.18)

(19) Jacob's descendents would become a nation and a company of nations

(20) Jacob's descendents were to be kings or rulers of nations

(21) Out of Yahudah (Judah) would come the rulers of Israel (Gen 49.10)

(22) Yahudah (German and Scottish peoples) would have something to do with obedience of Israel in the last days.

(23) Yahseph's (Joseph's) descendents were to be blessed above the rest of the Israelites (Gen 48.) (Gen 49.22) (Deut 33. 13)

(24) Yahseph's descendents were to have a land blessed by Elohim of great agricultural wealth. (Deut 33. 14)

(25) Yahseph's descendents were to have a land possessed of great wealth in minerals of ancient mountains (Deut 33.15)

(26) Israel to be in possession of YHWH's laws. (Gen 19-24) (Deut 33.4) (Ps 147.19,20)

(27) Israel to be blessed by Elohim above all people in the earth when in obedience to YHWH's laws. (Deut 28.1-14)

(28) Israel to be a people cursed by Elohim above all people in the earth when in disobedience to God's laws. (Deut 28.15-68)

(29) Israel to be to be YHWH's servants (Gen Moses and Pharoh) (Is. 41.8,9)

(30) Israel to be to be YHWH's witnesses (Is 43.1,10)

(31) Israel to come under under a new covenant sealed by a heart circumcision (Jer 31.31-34) (Deut 3.6?) also, (Romans 2) (Gal ) (Ezek. 36) (Heb 8.8)

(32) Israel was to lose their name and be called by a new name (Isaac's Sons, "Saxons"). They would not be called Israel in the last days. (Is. 65.15)

(33) They were to be named by the name of Elohim. (Num 6.22)

The Migrations of the Israelite Twelve Tribes

One of the most fascinating historical studies is on the captivity, dispersion and migrations of the Israelite twelve tribes from the Israel/Judah Kingdoms into Assyria/Persia through the Caucasian mountains into Europe and beyond. Here are some recommended books and podcasts: 

Israel's Migrations Series  A series of slide show presentations illustrating Israel's migrations. This was created by Eli James of the Anglo-Saxon Israel web site.

The Abrahamic Covenant  This outline of the identity of God's people as revealed in this study of God's Covenant with Abraham was compiled as a guide for Bible students. Traces Abraham's descendants through the formation of the Tribes of Israel their captivities and migration to their appointed land in Europe and later on to America (with Ephraim identified with England and Manasseh with America).

Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets  Could you be an Israelite and not know it? "Here's a paradox a most ingenious paradox: an anthropological fact many Christians may have much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors." --Alfred M. Lilienthal. Could this possibly be so? If so it would mean that the majority of Christendom and the rest of society has misidentified the people most prominent in the Bible. If Israel has been misidentified there is no doubt that major errors in doctrinal interpretation and application of biblical prophecy have been made! Take a look at a truly remarkable study of Assyrian tablets that reveal the fate of the Lost Tribes of Israel. This is the book considered by most to be Capt's finest of all his vast and excellent literary achievements!

The Assyrian Invasions And Deportations Of Israel  A study outline of the four invasions of Israel by the Assyrians followed by the three groups of aliens resettled in the land of Samaria. The Scriptural record of the invasions is examined together with the testimony of the monuments containing inscriptions of the deportations of Israel by the Assyrian kings. These cuneiform inscriptions may be seen in the British Museum and they only confirm the Scriptures and in no way contradict them. Special attention is given to Hosea's and Isaiah's prophecies telling of the captivity of Israel.

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