Friday, September 6, 2024

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 2024. Throughout Canada, all vials of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines have been ordered destroyed! 

    "A spokesperson for Alberta Health says that as of Aug. 31, all old-strain COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available, but neither is the new formula."

    "the provinces and territories were directed by Health Canada to remove and destroy all current COVID-19 vaccine formulation(XBB) from all sites across their jurisdictions on August 31, 2024,” an Alberta Health statement said Wednesday."

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are contaminated with trillions of DNA plasmids and fragments. They are destroying evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine contamination in Canada, which is a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. Can the Alberta Minister of Health Adriana La Grange be held criminally liable for destroying evidence of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine contamination? Scientists like Kevin McKernan and DJ Speicher will no longer be able to conduct research and test contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials. Read more >

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