
Apostianity brings The Creator's name to destruction

Contrary to Exodus 20:7, Apostianity brings The Creator's name, YHWH (Yahweh), to destruction by replacing it with the name of the ancient Canaanite Diety, LORD GOD. Lying teachers have also have created a man-made tradition stating that The Creator's name is too holy to be vocalized. This is a tradition which boldly contradicts Yahweh's word. Read more >

Apostianity teaches Yahweh's Laws were done away with

Apostate Judeo-Christians believe that all The Creator's Laws were "nailed to the cross" and that they are no longer to be observed today but that one only need have faith in the atoning sacrifice of "Jesus". Yahosha (Jesus) stated that Heaven and Earth would have to pass away before The Creator's Eternal Laws would come to an end. Read more >

Apostianity teaches that the Twelve Tribes of Israel vanished

A ubiquitous lie propagated by false teachers is that the Twelve Tribes of Israel ceased to exist and were replaced by a Non-Israelite people. Scripture and history confirm that ALL twelve tribes were taken into captivity by the Assyrians with the exception of a small remnant of the tribes of Yahudah, Benjamin and Levi that were living in the environs of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Read more >

Apostianity teaches a "rapture" to heaven in the future

The doctrine of a future "Rapture" was introduced by the Scofield Bible which was published in the late 1800's. Jesus taught that The Kingdom of Heaven was established here on earth in his day and that we were to occupy until He returns. When Yahosha returns to establish his kingdom on earth he will destroy the lawless and redeem his saints.

Apostianity teaches submission to an organizational leader

Contrary to the words of Yahosha where he says "you are all brothers make no man your head" and "the doctrine of the Nicolatians (lording over the laity) I hate." Also, Ezekiel 34 lays out the difference between the true and false shepherds.

Apostianity teaches The Bible is derived from Masoretic Text

The Real Bible is an ancient Israelite book authored by Israelites as inspired by The Creator's Spirit. Most modern Bible translations are based on the Masoretic Text which was published some 700+ years after the death of Yahosha.

Apostianity does not teach the eradication of vice

Most churches refuse to teach against vice and have become so liberal and lawless that they openly flaunt as many violations of Yahweh's laws as possible. We are certainly living in the end times. However, many new teachings of self-development and prosperity fill mega churches to the full. Lot's of itching ears.

Apostianity teaches the "great commission to all peoples"

Yahosha declared that He and his disciples were to go only to The Lost Sheep of the House of Istrael. The Apostianity doctrine of going out to the nations and preaching the gospel and converting all peoples is not scriptural.

Apostianity teaches that there are no literal adversaries or Satan's in the world today

It is a common teaching that we have no spiritual or physical enemies except for the internal battle or struggle within ourselves.

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...