Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2024

WEF Memo Reveals Plan to Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People By 2030

WEF Memo Reveals Plan to Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People By 2030.  The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030. The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030.  If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again. According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority. The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes. Watch show here >

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Recommended Reading: The War on the West

"It is now in vogue to celebrate non-Western cultures and disparage Western ones. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning, but much of it fatally undermines the very things that created the greatest, most humane civilization in the world.

In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been fooled by hypocritical and inconsistent anti-West rhetoric. After all, if we must discard the ideas of Kant, Hume, and Mill for their opinions on race, shouldn’t we discard Marx, whose work is peppered with racial slurs and anti-Semitism? Embers of racism remain to be stamped out in America, but what about the raging racist inferno in the Middle East and Asia?

It’s not just dishonest scholars who benefit from this intellectual fraud but hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their own ongoing villainy. Dictators who slaughter their own people are happy to jump on the “America is a racist country” bandwagon and mimic the language of anti-racism and “pro-justice” movements as PR while making authoritarian conquests.

If the West is to survive, it must be defended. The War on the West is not only an incisive takedown of foolish anti-Western arguments but also a rigorous new apologetic for civilization itself."  Buy book here >

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Do White People Have a Future?

What are the prospects for white people? This isn’t a trivial question, because all the indicators are bad. It’s not an exaggeration to say that unless white people start thinking about their future as a people, they’ll have no future at all. Does that sound ridiculous? Well, it’s a fact, and here’s why. There are nearly 7.8 billion people in the world, but as you can see from this table, only 9.59 percent of them live in Europe and 7.6 percent in North America which includes Mexico. If you take out the non-whites who live on those continents, and you add the ones who live in other parts of the world, whites turn to be – maybe – just 13 or 14 percent of the world population.  Read more >

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...