Sunday, July 7, 2024

Explaining Christian Identity to White Nationalists and Neo-Pagans

The story of Judaism is the story of massive fraud, not just concerning the Bible, but also concerning history, academia, science, race, economics, sexuality you name it. The Jews are in the business of corrupting it.

The greatest of all Jewish swindles, besides the hoaxacaust, is their impersonation of Israel. I can say with total confidence – and this is why we Identists are so hated by every other species – that the Jewish people are engaged in history’s most effective case of identity theft. They are not who they claim to be. But, by constant repetition of particular lies, they have hornswoggled an entire planet of confused sheeple. (Rev. 12:9.) Anyone, who plainly states that the Jews are Edomites and Khazars, gets tossed out of the forum.

This fact used to be common knowledge, before the Jews took total control of publishing, academia and the press. Only by dictatorial control of information can the Jews maintain their charade as Israel. As the above-cited quotations prove, there is an abundance of contrary opinion. But if you own all the newspapers and if you publish all the Bibles, the current generation of zombies will eat only what set in front of them. They have been bred to be semi-literate and obedient to a parasitic “authority.”

The Old Testament agrees: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

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