
Yahweh's Laws Were Done Away With Right?

Most mainstream Christian churches teach that Yahweh's laws were nailed to the cross and have been done away with. Is this what the Scriptures really teach? Isn't this the very first lie spoken to Chavah (Eve) by the serpent in the Garden of Eden? "Hath Yahweh said . . ."

Yahweh has spoken and written laws that are forever (eternal) and some laws that are temporal (such as the animal sacrifices). Yahweh's forever laws are always in effect. Just as our societies are govered by laws, His Kingdom is govered by His Laws. They can never be annuled by Satan, apostate teachers or any man. This issue is difficult for most Christians to understand due to false teachings and a lack of understanding of the nature and purpose of Yahweh's laws.

First of all, there are four categories of laws: commandments, statutes, judgments and ordinances. One has to know what type of law one is dealing with. Also, some laws are applicable only to men; some laws are only applicable to women; some laws are only applicable in the land of Israel, and some laws such as the animal sacrifices and the levitical priesthood (which were ordinances) were fulfilled by the atoning sacrifice of Yahshua; and so on.

The Bible defines sin as the violation of Yahweh's "forever" laws. Repentance and grace redeems us from our past sins but does not give us free license to continue violating Yahweh's "forever" laws. Mainstream Christianity teaches that all of Yahweh's laws were "nailed to the cross". However, it was only the sacrificial ordinances that came to an end at the cross. If we wish to be part of Yahweh's Kingdom we must be obedient to his laws otherwise we are by definition sinners.

Yahosha Messiah Confirms Yahweh's Laws

Yahosha, His disciples, and the apostle Paul never ever declared that Yahweh's eternal laws were ever done away with and replaced by faith, grace and lawlessness. However, Bible translators and apostates make it appear so.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5.18,19 KJV]

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. [John 14:21 KJV]

Yahweh's Marriage Covenant With Israel

Commonly referred to as The Ten Commandments these declarations by Yahweh were the foundation of Yahweh's marriage covenant with Israel. Israel agreed to this covenant

[1] And Elohim spake all these words, saying,

[2] I am Yahweh thy Elohim, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

[3] Thou shalt have no other elohim before me.

[4] Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

[5] Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Yahweh thy Elohim am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

[6] And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. [this is a two part commandment; do you have three dimensional images in your home?]

[7] Thou shalt not bring [nasa] the name of YHWH thy Elohim to destruction [shav]; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that brings [nasa] his name to destruction [shav]. .

[8] Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

[9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

[10] But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahweh thy Elohim: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

[11] For in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

[12] Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which Yahweh thy Elohim giveth thee.

[13] Thou shalt not murder [ratsach].

[14] Thou shalt not mongrelize [na'aph; i.e., race-mixing; see this study]

[15] Thou shalt not steal.

[16] Thou shalt not bear false witness [includes slander and gossip] against thy neighbour.

[17] Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife [covers marital infidelity], nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

[Exodus 20:1-17 RNKJV with root word study]

Yahweh's Eternal Laws


Here is a list of Yahweh's Forever Laws that are still in effect for today:


Exod. 20:2 -- To believe in YHWH

Deut. 6:4 -- To acknowledge the Unity of YHWH

Deut. 6:5 -- To love YHWH

Deut. 6:13 -- To fear YHWH

Exod.23:25; Deut. 11:13; 13:5 -- To serve YHWH

Deut. 10:20 -- To cleave to YHWH

Deut. 10:20 -- On taking an oath by YHWH's Name

Deut. 28:9 -- On walking in YHWH's ways

Lev. 22:32 -- On Sanctifying YHWH's Name


Lev. 24:16 -- Not blaspheming the Holy Name of YHWH Exod. 22:27

Lev. 19:12 -- Not violating an oath by the Holy Name

Exod. 20:7 -- Not bringing the Holy Name to destruction.

Lev. 22:32 -- Not profaning the Holy Name of YHWH

Deut. 6:16 -- Not testing/trying His (YHWH's) promises and warnings

Deut. 12:4 -- Do not destroy houses of worship or holy books

Deut. 21:23 -- Leave not body of executed criminal hanging overnight


Deut. 6:7 -- On studying and teaching YHWH's Law

Num. 15:38 -- On making Fringes with thread of blue, garments corners

Deut. 6:9 -- On writing YHWH's Laws upon doorposts and gates

Deut. 31:12 -- On Assembling each 7th year to hear the YHWH's Law read

Deut. 17:18 -- On that a king must write a copy of YHWH's Law for himself

Deut. 31:19 -- On that everyone should have a YHWH's Law scroll

Deut. 8:10 -- On praising YHWH after eating, Grace after meals


Exod. 12:2; Deut. 16:1 -- Ecclesia to determine Aviv 1 and Appointed Times

Exod. 23:12 -- On resting on the Sabbath

Exod. 20:8 -- On declaring Sabbath holy at its onset and termination

Exod. 12:15 -- On removal of leaven, leaven (yeast) on (Aviv 14) Passover

Exod. 13:8 -- Tell of Exod. from Egypt 1st night Passover, (Aviv 15)

Exod. 12:18 -- On eating Unleavened Bread the first night of Passover, (Aviv 15)

Exod. 12:16 -- On resting on the first day of Passover

Exod. 12:16 -- On resting on the seventh day of Passover

Lev. 23:35 -- Count the Omer 49 days from day of first sheaf (Aviv 16)

Lev. 23:21 -- On resting on Feast of Weeks

Lev. 23:24 -- On resting on Feast of Trumpets

Lev. 16:29 -- On fasting on the Day of Atonement

Lev. 16:29, -- On resting on the Day of Atonement

Lev. 23:35 -- On resting on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles

Lev. 23:36 -- On resting on Last Great Day (the 8th day)

Lev. 23:42 -- On dwelling in a Booth for seven days

Lev. 23:40 -- On taking boughs of trees (the four species) on Feast of Tabernacles

Num. 29:1 -- On hearing the sound of the Trumpet on Feast of Trumpets


Exod. 23:11 -- On ownerless produce of the Sabbatical year

Exod. 34:21 -- On resting the land on the Sabbatical year

Lev. 25:10 -- On sanctifying the Jubilee (50th) year

Lev. 25:9 -- Blow Trumpet on Day of Atonement in the Jubilee and slaves freed

Lev. 25:24 -- Reversion of the land to ancestral owners in Jubilee year

Lev. 25:24 -- On the redemption of a house within a year of the sale

Lev. 25:8 -- Counting and announcing the years till the Jubilee year

Deut. 15:3 -- All debts are annulled in the Sabbatical year, but...

Deut. 15:3 -- may exact a debt owed by a foreigner


Exod. 20:3 -- Not believing in any other Elohin except the One YHWH.

Exod. 20:4 -- Not to make images for the purpose of worship

Lev. 19:4 -- Not to make an idol (even for others) to worship

Exod. 20:20 -- Not to make figures of human beings

Exod. 20:5 -- Not to bow down to an idol

Exod. 20:5 -- Not to worship idols

Lev. 18:21 -- Not to hand over any children to Moloch

Lev. 19:31 -- Not to practice sorcery of necromancy (communicating with the dead)

Lev. 19:31 -- Not to practice sorcery of familiar spirits

Lev. 19:4 -- Not to study idolatrous practices

Deut. 16:22 -- Not to erect a pillar which people assemble to honor

Lev. 20:1 -- No figured stones (dias) to lay prostrate on

Deut. 16:21 -- Not to plant trees in the Sanctuary/Temple

Exod. 23:13 -- Swear not by an idol nor instigate an idolater to do so

Exod. 23:13 -- Not to divert any non -- Israelite to idolatry

Deut. 13:12 -- 13 -- Not to try to persuade An Israelite to worship idols

Deut. 13:8 -- Not to love someone who seeks to mislead you to idols

Deut. 13:9 -- Not to relax one's aversion to the misleader to idols

Deut. 13:9 -- Not to save the life of a misleader to idols

Deut. 13:9 -- Not to plead for (defend) the misleader to idols

Deut. 13:9 -- Not to oppress evidence unfavorable to the misleader

Deut. 7:25 -- No benefit from ornaments which have adorned an idol

Deut. 13:17 -- Rebuild not a city destroyed as punishment for idolatry

Deut. 13:18 -- Not deriving benefit from property of an apostate city

Deut. 7:26 -- Do not use anything connected with idols or idolatry

Deut. 18:20 -- Not prophesying in the name of idols

Deut. 18:20 -- Not prophesying falsely in the Name of YHWH

Deut. 13:3 -- 4 -- Listen not to one who prophesies in the name of idols

Deut. 18:22 -- Not fearing or refraining from killing a false prophet

Lev. 20:23 -- Imitate not the ways nor practice customs of idolaters

Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:10 -- Not practicing divination

Deut. 18:10 -- Not practicing soothsaying

Deut. 18:10 -- Not practicing enchanting

Deut. 18:10 -- Not practicing sorcery

Deut. 18:11 -- Not practicing the art of the charmer

Deut. 18:10 -- Not consulting a necromancer

Deut. 18:10 -- Not consulting a sorcerer

Deut. 18:11 -- Not to seek information from the dead, necromancy

Deut. 22:5 -- Women not to wear men's clothes or adornments

Deut. 22:5 -- Men not wearing women's clothes or adornments

Lev. 19:28 -- Not tattoo yourself, as is the manner of the idolaters

Deut. 22:11 -- Not wearing a mixture of wool and linen

Lev. 19:27 -- Not shaving the temples/sides of your head

Lev. 19:27 -- Not shaving your beard

Deut. 16:1 -- Not making cuttings in your flesh over your dead

Deut. 12:2 -- On destroying all idolatry and its related items

Deut. 13:15 -- The law about a city that has become apostate/perverted

Deut. 20:17 -- On the law about destroying the seven Canaanite nations

Deut. 25:19 -- On the extinction of the seed of Amalek

Deut. 25:17 -- On remembering the nefarious deeds of Amalek to Israel


Exod. 30:12 -- On every male giving half a shekel annually to YHWH

Deut. 18:15 -- On heeding The Prophet (Yahshua Messiah)

Deut. 17:15 -- On appointing a King

Deut. 17:11 -- On obeying the Ecclesia

Exod. 23:2 -- On in case of division, abiding by a majority decision

Deut. 16:18 -- Appointing Judges and Officers of the Court in every town

Lev. 19:15 -- Treating litigants equally/impartially before the law

Lev. 5:1 -- Anyone aware of evidence must come to court to testify

Deut. 13:15 -- The testimony of witnesses shall be examined thoroughly

Deut. 19:19 -- On condemning witnesses who testify falsely

Deut. 19:19 -- False witnesses punished, as they intended upon accused

Deut. 21:4 - Closest City Elders to sacrifice a heifer when murderer unknown

Deut. 19:3 -- On establishing Six Cities of Refuge

Num. 35:2 -- Give cities to Priests -- who've no ancestral land share

Deut. 22:8 -- Build fence on roof, remove potential hazards from home


Deut. 20:11 -- Regulations for wars other than ones commanded in YHWH's Law

Deut. 20:2 -- Spiritual Leader to speak before battle; certain men to return home

Deut. 23:14 -- Prepare place beyond the camp to keep sanitary

Deut. 23:15 -- Include a digging tool among war implements


Lev. 5:23 -- On a robber to restore the stolen article to its owner

Deut. 15:8 -- On to give charity to the poor (Lev.25:35 -- 36)

Deut. 15:14 -- On giving gifts to a Israelite bondman upon his freedom

Exod. 22:24 -- On lending money to the poor without interest

Deut. 23:21 -- On lending money to the foreigner with interest

Deut. 24:13; Exod.22:25 On restoring a pledge to its owner if he needs it

Deut. 24:15 -- On paying the worker his wages on time

Deut. 23:25 -- Employee is allowed to eat the produce he's working in

Exod. 23:5 -- On helping unload when necessary a tired animal

Deut. 22:4 -- On assisting a man loading his beast with its burden

Deut. 22:1; Exod. 23:4 On that lost property must be returned to its owner

Lev. 19:17 -- On being required to reprove the sinner

Lev. 19:18 -- On love your neighbor as yourself

Deut. 10:19 -- On being commanded to love the convert/proselyte

Lev. 19:36 -- On the law of accurate weights and measures


Lev. 19:32 -- On honoring the old (and wise)

Exod. 20:12 -- On honoring parents

Lev. 19:3 -- On fearing parents

Genesis 1:28 -- On to be fruitful and multiply

Deut. 24:1 -- On the law of marriage

Deut. 24:5 -- On bridegroom devoting himself to his wife for one year

Genesis 17:10; Lev.12:3 -- On circumcising one's son

Deut. 25:5 -- If a man dies childless his brother to marry widow, or...

Deut. 25:9 -- Or brother to release the widow

Deut. 22:29 -- A violator must marry the virgin/maiden he has violated

Deut. 22:18 -- The defamer of his bride is flogged and may never divorce

Exod. 22:15 -- On the seducer must be punished according to the law

Deut. 21:11 -- Captive women treated according to special regulations

Deut. 24:1 -- The law of divorce, only be means of written document

Num. 5:15 -- Suspected adulteress has to submit to the required test


Deut. 25:2 -- On whipping transgressors of certain commandments

Num. 35:25 -- On exile to city of refuge for unintentional homicide

Exod. 21:20 -- On beheading transgressors of certain commandments

Exod. 21:16 -- On strangling transgressors of certain commandments

Lev. 20:14 -- On burning transgressors of certain commandments

Deut. 22:24 -- On stoning transgressors of certain commandments

Deut. 21:22 -- Hang after execution, violators of certain commandments

Deut. 21:23 -- On burial on the same day of execution


Exod. 21:18 -- On the penalty for a person inflicting injury

Exod. 21:28 -- On the law of injuries caused by an animal

Exod. 21:33 -- On the law of injuries caused by an pit

Exod. 21:37 -- On the law of punishment of thieves

Exod. 22:4 -- On the law of a judgment for damage caused by a beast

Exod. 22:5 -- On the law of a judgment for damage caused by a fire

Exod. 22:6 -- On the law of an unpaid guardian

Exod. 22:9 -- On the law of a paid guardian

Exod. 22:13 -- On the law of a borrower

Lev. 25:14 -- On the law of buying and selling

Exod. 22:8 -- On the law of litigants

Deut. 25:12 -- Save life of one pursued, even if need; kill oppressor

Num. 27:8 -- On the law of inheritance


Deut. 12:21 -- Slaughtering animals, according to YHWH's Law, before eating

Lev. 17:13 -- Covering with earth the blood of slain fowl and beast

Deut. 22:7 -- On setting free the parent bird when taking the nest

Lev. 11:2 -- Searching for prescribed signs in beasts, for eating

Deut. 14:11 -- Searching for the prescribed signs in birds, for eating

Lev. 11:21 -- Searching for prescribed signs in locusts, for eating

Lev. 11:9 -- Searching for the prescribed signs in fish, for eating


Deut. 14:7 -- Not to eat any unclean animal

Lev. 11:11 -- Not to eat any unclean fish

Lev. 11:13 -- Not to eat any unclean fowl

Deut. 14:19 -- Not to eat any creeping winged insect

Lev. 11:41 -- Not to eat anything which creeps on the earth

Lev. 11:44 -- Not to eat creeping thing that breeds in decayed matter

Lev. 11:42 -- Not to eat living creatures that breed in seeds / fruit

Lev. 11:43 -- Not to eat any detestable creature

Deut. 14:21 -- Not to eat any animal which died naturally

Exod. 22:30 -- Not to eat an animal which is torn or mauled

Deut. 12:23 -- Not to eat any limb taken from a living animal

Genesis 32:33 -- Not to eat the sinew of the thigh (vein)

Lev. 7:24 -- Not to eat blood

Lev. 7:23 -- Not to eat certain types of fat of clean animal

Exod. 23:19 -- Not to boil young male goat (meat) in its mother's milk

Exod. 34:26 -- Not to eat young male goat cooked in its mother's milk

Exod. 21:28 -- Not to eat the flesh of a condemned and to be stoned ox

Lev. 23:14 -- Eat not bread made from grain of new crop, before Omer

Lev. 23:14 -- Eat not roasted grain of new crop, before Omer offering

Lev. 23:14 -- Eat not green ears of new crop, before Omer (Aviv 16)

Lev. 19:23 -- Not to eat the (uncircumcised) fruit of a tree in its first three years

Deut. 22:9 -- Eat not growth of mixed vineyard planting

Deut. 32:38 -- Not to use wine libations for idols

Lev. 19:26; Deut. 21:20 -- No eating or drinking to excess, gluttony and drunkenness

Lev. 23:29 -- Not to eat anything on the Day of Atonement

Exod. 13:3 -- Not to eat leaven, leaven(ed), on Passover

Exod. 13:7 -- Not to eat an admixture of leaven/leaven(ed) on Passover

Deut. 16:3 -- Not to eat leaven, leaven(ed), after noon of 14 Aviv

Exod. 13:7 -- No leaven may be seen in our homes during Passover

Exod. 12:19 -- Not to possess leaven, leaven(ed), during Passover


Lev. 23:22 -- Reap not a whole field without leaving corners for poor

Lev. 19:9 -- Not to gather ears of grain that fell during harvesting

Lev. 19:10 -- Not to gather the misformed clusters of grapes

Lev. 19:10 -- Not to gather single fallen grapes during the vintage

Deut. 24:19 -- Not to return for a forgotten sheaf

Lev. 19:19 -- Not to sow diverse kinds of seed in one field

Deut. 22:9 -- Not to sow grain or vegetables in a vineyard

Lev. 19:19 -- Not to crossbreed animals of different species

Deut. 22:10 -- Work not with two different kinds of animals together

Deut. 25:4 -- Muzzle not animal working field to prevent from eating

Lev. 25:4 -- Not to cultivate the soil in the 7th year, (shemittah)

Lev. 25:4 -- Not to prune the trees in the 7th year

Lev. 25:5 -- Reap not self-grown plant in 7th year as ordinary year

Lev. 25:5 -- Gather not self-grown fruit in 7th year as ordinary year

Lev. 25:11 -- Not to till the earth or prune trees in Jubilee year

Lev. 25:11 -- Reap not after-growths of Jubilee year as ordinary year

Lev. 25:11 -- Not to gather fruit in Jubilee year as in ordinary year

Lev. 25:23 -- Sell not one's land holdings permanently for it is YHWH's

Lev. 25:33 -- Not to sell/change the open lands of the Levites (?)

Deut. 12:19 -- Not to leave the Levites without support (?)


Lev. 19:24 -- On the fruits of the trees fourth year's growth

Lev. 19:9 -- On leaving the corners of fields for the poor

Lev. 19:9 -- On leaving gleanings of the field for the poor

Deut. 24:19 -- On leaving the forgotten sheaf for the poor

Lev. 19:19 -- On leaving the misformed grape clusters for the poor

Lev. 19:10 -- On leaving grape gleanings for the poor

Exod. 23:19 -- On separating and bringing First Fruits to YHWH

Deut. 18:4 -- To separate the great Heave offering

Lev. 27:30 -- To set aside the first tithe to YHWH

Deut. 14:22 -- To set aside the second tithe, eaten only in Jerusalem

Num. 18:26 -- On Spiritual Leaders giving tenth of their tithe to YHWH

Deut. 14:28 -- To set aside the poor man's tithe in 3rd and 6th year

Deut. 26:13 -- A declaration made when separating the various tithes

Deut. 26:5 -- A declaration made bringing First -- fruits to the Temple

Num. 15:20 -- On the first portion of the Cake of Dough given to YHWH


Num. 6:5 -- The Nazarite letting his hair grow during his separation

Num. 6:18 -- Nazarite completing vow shaves his head and brings sacrifice

Deut. 23:24 -- On that a man must honor his oral vows and oaths

Num. 30:3 -- On that a judge can annul vows, only according to YHWH's Law


Num. 6:3 -- A Nazarite may not drink wine or any beverage from grapes

Num. 6:3 -- A Nazarite may not eat fresh grapes

Num. 6:3 -- A Nazarite may not eat dried grapes

Num. 6:4 -- A Nazarite may not eat grape seeds/kernels

Num. 6:4 -- A Nazarite may not eat grape peels/husks

Num. 6:7 -- Nazarite may not rend himself unclean (tameh) for the dead

Lev. 21:11 -- Nazarite must not become unclean entering house with corpse

Num. 6:5 -- A Nazarite must not shave his hair


Exod. 21:2 -- On the special laws for treating the Israelite bondman

Exod. 21:8 -- Israelite bondmaid married to her master or his son, or...

Exod. 21:8 -- ...allow the redemption to the Israelite bondmaid

Lev. 25:46 -- On the laws for treating an alien bondman


Deut. 15:2 -- Not to demand payment of debts after (7th) Shmitah year

Deut. 15:9 -- Not to refuse loan to poor because Shmitah year is near

Deut. 15:7 -- Not to deny charity to the poor

Deut. 15:13 -- Not sending a Israelite bondman away empty -- handed

Exod. 22:24 -- Not demanding payment from a debtor known unable to pay

Lev. 25:37 -- Not lending to another Israelite at interest

Deut. 23:20 -- Not borrowing from another Israelite at interest

Exod. 22:24 -- Not participating in an agreement involving interest

Lev. 19:13 -- Oppress not an employee by delaying paying his wages

Deut. 24:10 -- Not taking a pledge from a debtor by force

Deut. 24:12 -- Not keeping a poor man's pledge when he needs it

Deut. 24:17 -- Not taking any pledge from a widow

Deut. 24:6 -- Not taking ones' business (or food) utensils in pledge

Exod. 20:13 -- Not abducting an Israelite

Lev. 19:11 -- Not stealing

Lev. 19:13 -- Not robbing

Deut. 19:14 -- Not fraudulently altering land boundaries / landmarker

Lev. 19:13 -- Not usurping our debts / do not defraud

Lev. 19:11 -- Not repudiating debts, denying receipt of loan/deposit

Lev. 19:11 -- Not to swear falsely regarding another man's property

Lev. 25:14 -- Not wronging/deceiving one another in business

Lev. 25:17 -- Not wronging/misleading one another even verbally

Exod. 22:20 -- Not harming the stranger among you verbally

Exod. 22:20 -- Not injuring the stranger among you in business/trade

Deut. 23:16 -- Not handing over a slave who's fled to Israel

Deut. 23:17 -- Take no advantage of a slave who's fled to Israel

Exod. 22:21 -- Not afflicting the orphans and widows

Lev. 25:39 -- Not employing a Israelite bondman in degrading tasks

Lev. 25:42 -- Not selling a Israelite bondman

Lev. 25:43 -- Not treating a Israelite bondman cruelly

Lev. 25:53 -- Not allowing a heathen to mistreat a Israelite bondman

Exod. 21:8 -- Not selling a Israelite maidservant. and if you marry her...

Exod. 21:10 -- ...withhold not: food, raiment, or conjugal rights

Deut. 21:14 -- Not selling a captive woman

Deut. 21:14 -- Not treating a captive woman as a slave

Exod. 20:17 -- Not coveting another man's possessions/property, etc.

Deut. 5:18 -- Covet not one's possessions, even the desire forbidden

Deut. 23:26 -- A worker is not to cut down standing grain during work

Deut. 23:24 -- A hired laborer not to take more fruit than he can eat

Deut. 22:3 -- Not ignoring lost property to be returned to its owner

Exod. 23:5 -- Refuse not to help man or animal collapsing with burden

Lev.19:35 -- Not cheating/defrauding with measurements and weights

Deut. 25:13 -- Not to possess false/inaccurate weights and measures


Lev. 19:15 -- A Judge is not to commit unrighteousness

Exod. 23:8 -- A Judge is not to accept bribes/gifts from litigants

Lev. 19:15 -- A Judge is not to favor (be partial to) a litigant

Deut. 1:17 -- Judge not avoid justice being in fear of wicked person

Lev. 19:15 -- A Judge not to decide in favor of poor man, out of pity Exod. 23:3

Exod. 23:6 -- A Judge is not to discriminate against the wicked

Deut. 19:13 -- Judge not to pity one who killed or caused loss of limb

Deut. 24:17 -- A Judge not perverting justice due strangers or orphans

Exod. 23:1 -- Judge not to hear one litigant in absence of the other

Exod. 23:2 -- Court may not convict by majority of 1 in capital case

Exod. 23:2 -- Judge accept not colleague's opinion, unless sure right

Deut. 1:17 -- Not appointing an unlearned judge ignorant of the YHWH's Law

Exod. 20:16 -- Not bearing false witness

Exod. 23:1 -- A Judge is not to receive a wicked man's testimony

Deut. 24:16 -- A Judge receive not testimony from litigant's relatives

Deut. 19:15 -- Not convicting on the testimony of a single witness

Exod. 20:13 -- Not murdering a human being

Exod. 23:7 -- No conviction based on circumstantial evidence alone

Num. 35:30 -- A witness must not sit as a Judge in capital cases

Num. 35:12 -- Not killing a murderer without trial and conviction

Deut. 25:12 -- Not to pity or spare the life of a pursuer

Deut. 22:26 -- Not punishing a person for a sin committed under duress

Num. 35:31 -- Not accepting ransom from an unwitting murderer

Num. 35:32 -- Not accepting a ransom from a wilful murderer

Lev. 19:16 -- Hesitate not to save life of another person in danger

Deut. 22:8 -- Not leaving obstacles on public or private domain

Lev. 19:14 -- Not misleading another by giving wrong advice

Deut. 25:2-3 -- Inflict not more than assigned number lashes to guilty

Lev. 19:16 -- Not to tell tales

Lev. 19:17 -- Not to bear hatred in your heart toward your brethren

Lev. 19:17 -- Not to put one another to shame

Lev. 19:18 -- Not to take vengeance on another

Lev. 19:18 -- Not to bear a grudge

Deut. 22:6 -- Not to take entire bird's nest, mother and her young

Lev. 13:33 -- Not to shave a leprous scall

Deut. 24:8 -- Not to cut or cauterize (remove) other signs of leprosy

Deut. 21:4 -- Plow not a valley where slain body found, eglah arufah

Exod. 22:17 -- Not permitting a witch/sorcerer to live

Deut. 24:5 -- Take not bridegroom from home in first year of marriage

Deut. 17:11 -- Not to differ from or disobey the Priests and the Judge

Deut. 13:1 -- Not to add to the Commandments of YHWH's Law

Deut. 13:1 -- Not to detract from the Commandments of YHWH's Law

Exod. 22:27 -- Not to curse a judge

Exod. 22:27 -- Not to curse a ruler

Lev. 19:14 -- Not to curse any Israelite

Exod. 21:17 -- Not cursing parents

Exod. 21:15 -- Not to strike parents

Exod. 20:10 -- Not to work on Sabbath

Exod. 16:29 -- Not to walk beyond permitted limits, eruv, on Sabbath

Exod. 35:3 -- Not to inflict punishment on the Sabbath

Exod. 12:16 -- Not to work on the first day of Passover

Exod. 12:16 -- Not to work on the seventh day of Passover

Lev. 23:21 -- Not to work on Feast of Weeks

Lev. 23:25 -- Not to work on Feast of Trumpets

Lev. 23:35 -- Not to work on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles

Lev. 23:36 -- Not to work on 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles

Lev. 23:28 -- Not to work on Day of Atonement


Lev. 18:7 -- No relations with one's mother

Lev. 18:8 -- No relations with one's father's wife

Lev. 18:9 -- No relations with one's sister

Lev. 18:11 -- No relations with step-sister

Lev. 18:10 -- No relations with one's son's daughter

Lev. 18:10 -- No relations with one's daughter's daughter

Lev. 18:10 -- No relations with one's daughter

Lev. 18:17 -- No relations with a woman and her daughter

Lev. 18:17 -- No relations with a woman and her son's daughter

Lev. 18:17 -- No relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter

Lev. 18:12 -- No relations with one's father's sister

Lev. 18:13 -- No relations with one's mother's sister

Lev. 18:14 -- No relations with wife of father's brother

Lev. 18:15 -- No relations with one's son's wife

Lev. 18:16 -- No relations with brother's wife

Lev. 18:18 -- No relations with sister of wife, during wife's life

Lev. 18:19 -- No relations with a menstruant

Lev. 18:20 -- No relations with another man's wife

Lev. 18:23 -- Men may not lie with beasts

Lev. 18:23 -- Women may not lie with beasts

Lev. 18:22 -- A man may not lie carnally with another man

Lev. 18:7 -- A man may not lie carnally with his father

Lev. 18:14 -- A man may not lie carnally with his father's brother

Lev. 18:6 -- Not to be intimate with a kinswoman

Deut. 23:3 -- A mamzer may not have relations with An Israelitess

Deut. 23:18 -- No relations (harlotry) with a woman outside marriage

Deut. 24:4 -- Remarry not your divorced wife after she has remarried

Deut. 25:5 -- Childless widow marry none except late husbands brother

Deut. 22:29 -- Divorce not wife, that he has to marry after raping her

Deut. 22:19 -- Divorce not wife, after falsely slandering her

Deut. 23:2 -- Man unable of procreation (eunuch) not to marry Israelitess

Lev. 22:24 -- Not to castrate a man or beast


Deut. 17:16 -- Not returning to Egypt to dwell there permanently

Num. 15:39 -- Not to follow one's heart or eyes, straying to impurity

Exod.23:32 -- Not to make a pact with the Seven Canaanite Nations Deut. 7:2

Deut. 20:16 -- Not to spare the life of the Seven Canaanite Nations

Deut. 7:2 -- Not to show mercy to Idolaters

Exod. 23:33 -- No one serving false Idols to settle in Israel

Deut. 7:3 -- Not to intermarry with one serving false Idols

Deut. 23:4 -- Not to intermarry at all with a male from Ammon or Moab

Deut. 23:8 -- Exclude not marrying a descendant Esau if a proselyte

Deut. 23:8 -- Not to exclude marrying an Egyptian who is a proselyte

Deut. 23:7 -- Not permitted to make peace with Ammon and Moab nations

Deut. 20:19 -- Not destroying fruit trees, even in time of war

Deut. 7:21 -- Not fearing the enemy in time of war

Deut. 25:19 -- Not forgetting the evil which Amalek did to us Israelites


Deut. 17:15 -- Not appointing a king who is not of the seed of Israel

Deut. 17:16 -- A king not to accumulate an excess number of horses

Deut. 17:17 -- A king not taking many wives

Deut. 17:17 -- A king not amassing great personal wealth

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...