
Israelite Appearance

Israelite appearance should reflect the observance of Yahweh's laws and display commonsense principles of modesty.


should dress modestly so as to not be a stumbling block to single and married women. Men are commanded to wear clothing different from women such as pants and shirts and be covered from foot to neckline. Shorts are inappropriate. Clothing should be of a single natural fiber such as pure cotton, pure linen or pure wool. All clothing should be "baggy" so as to not reveal physique and private parts. Since, The Creator's spirit radiates from his men so with a scripturally clean, healthy, natural diet no worldly hair creams, etc. are required. Men are commanded to wear natural longish hair and beards [Lev. 19:27] and to have NO head covering [except for protection] since Man reflects the image of The Creator [1 Corinthians 11:5-10]. Men are commanded to wear a four-cornered garment with a blue fringe such as a scarf, shawl or vest to remind them of The Creator's laws. Modest jewellery is permitted. Body piercings and tattoo's are forbidden. Plaids are an Israelite non-Biblical tradition and represent Joseph's "coat of many colours". Be sure that soaps, toiletries, wallets, boots, shoes, coats, etc are not make of pork or other unclean products.

should dress modestly so as to not be a stumbling block to single and married men. Women are commanded to wear clothing different from men such as long dresses and skirts with blouses up to the neckline. Clothing should be of a single natural fibre such as pure cotton, pure linen or pure wool. All clothing should be "baggy" so as to not reveal curves and private parts. Since, The Creator's spirit radiates from his women so with a scripturally clean, healthy, natural diet no worldly makeup is required. Long hair is a woman's glory and with a head scarf represents her submission and respect to her husband and The Creator [1 Corinthians 11:5-10]. Modest jewellery is permitted. Body piercings and tattoo's are forbidden. Be sure that soaps, cosmetics, wallets, purses, boots, shoes, coats, etc are not make of pork or other unclean products.

Marriage and Family

A strong Biblically-observant family is the foundation of Israelite society.

Marriage is an ordinance given by The Creator and the Scriptural Marriage Covenant should not be performed by Mystery Babylon (Church and State). The Israelites were chosen by The Creator to fulfill a special purpose on this earth as Kings and Priests. They were commanded by The Creator to be a set-apart race and to not mingle their seed (race-mix) with the pre-Adamic races.

A husband and wife should create a set-apart home environment free of the temptations of this world. Consider a home in the country where you can breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat natural foods, home-school your children, observe The Creator's Laws and survive hard times.

Protect the minds and hearts of your loved ones by removing secular television, radio and movies from your life. Throughout every day, teach your children The Creator's Laws and train them in a righteous trade they can use later in life.

Diet and Health

Science confirms that observing Yahweh's dietary laws is beneficial to good health and long life.

Mankind was first given a scripturally clean, healthy and natural diet based on green herbs of the field bearing seeds and fruits from trees bearing seeds [Gen. 1:30]. This is essentially a vegan diet. Later, mankind was permitted to eat only certain "Clean" animal foods and was forbidden to eat certain "Unclean" animal foods [see LAWS page]. Today, it is very difficult to maintain a diet that includes animal products and still abides by The Creator's laws. Most commercial foods contain ubiquitous unclean elements from pork, insects, etc. not to mention the abominable GMO and chemical killers. Since 1 in 3 people will develop cancer at this time in North America, it is critical that all believers buy only organic foods, preferably home grown, local organic meats and consider going vegetarian or vegan.

Faith, Grace and Observance

As Israelites we do not believe the First Lie which was given to Eve, "Hath Elohim said". We believe that Scripture defines sin as disobediernce to Yahweh's laws. The Messiah's atoning sacrifice on the cross redeems us from our disobedience on repentance. Thererafter, we have an obligation to be faithful to Yahweh's laws.

Has The Creator called, elected, chose and immersed you into His Name. Have you repented of your past sins and been forgiven by the blood of Messiah alone. Have you been filled with His Spirit. If so, you are a set-apart, saved believer. Now you must demonstrate your love for The Creator by learning about and observing His Laws. His Sabbaths, His Feasts, His Dietary Laws and so on. Observing them is a major blessing and no they were not done away with as the Apostates teach. The Creator calls unclean foods an abomination and keeping the pagan days evil.

The Creator hates the blending of the pure faith with false religion, mixing Babylon with the true faith. Let us come out of Mystery Babylon and enter into The Creator's Kingdom by faith in Yahosha Messiah (Jesus Christ).

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