Showing posts with label Genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genocide. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dresden: A Burnt Offering

75 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed... Watch video here >

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Enemies of Food Freedom

In every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception. 

My previous article addressed the ongoing attacks on farmers across the globe. In today’s article, we will look at some of the culprits behind this agenda. For anyone who delved into the entities behind the tyrannical Covid policies, many names on the list below will seem quite familiar.  Read more

Diet, Injections, and Injunctions

You’d think this would be the time to support farmers around the world who are trying to feed the hungry masses, and to encourage local food systems that are resilient in the face of supply-chain disruption. Instead, in country after country, World Economic Forum-affiliated leaders are cracking down on independent farmers and forcing them to comply with draconian new rules in the name of combating climate change.  Read more >

Monday, March 11, 2024

Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

White Americans have been under full scale assault ever since the Jew running the EEOC ignored the statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and imposed racial quotas that made white people, especially gentile males, second class citizens compared to blacks who are designated "preferred minorities" in university admissions, hiring, and promotion.

In the decades that have passed, blacks have learned that their preferred stratus gives them superiority to whites. They have benefited, as Jews have, from victim status, which protects them from criticism and from being held accountable . Just has it been established that it is not permitted to criticize Israel or Jews (anti-semitism) or question their narratives (holocaust denier), holding blacks accountable is considered proof of white supremacy. Media will not report the race of blacks arrested for crimes.

This leaves white gentiles in a vulnerable position in which white gentiles, like the French people in The Camp of the Saints, have been deracinated and made incapable of justifying their ethnicity and their existence.

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Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World

A renowned historian debunks current distortion and myths about European colonialism in the New World and restores much needed balance to our understanding of the past.
Was America really “stolen” from the Indians? Was Columbus a racist? Were Indians really peace-loving, communistic environmentalists? Did Europeans commit “genocide” in the New World?

It seems that almost everyone—from CNN to the New York Times to angry students pulling down statues of our founders—believes that America’s history is a shameful tale of racism, exploitation, and cruelty.

In Not Stolen, renowned historian Jeff Fynn-Paul systematically dismantles this relentlessly negative view of U.S. history, arguing that it is based on shoddy methods, misinformation, and outright lies about the past.

America was not “stolen” from the Indians but fairly purchased piece by piece in a thriving land market. Nor did European settlers cheat, steal, murder, rape or purposely infect them with smallpox to the extent that most people believe. No genocide occurred—either literal or cultural—and the decline of Native populations over time is not due to violence but to assimilation and natural demographic processes.

Fynn-Paul not only debunks these toxic myths, but provides a balanced portrait of this complex historical process over 500 years. The real history of Native and European relations will surprise you. Not only is this not a tale of shameful sins and crimes against humanity—it is more inspiring than you ever dared to imagine.  Read more >

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Do White People Have a Future?

What are the prospects for white people? This isn’t a trivial question, because all the indicators are bad. It’s not an exaggeration to say that unless white people start thinking about their future as a people, they’ll have no future at all. Does that sound ridiculous? Well, it’s a fact, and here’s why. There are nearly 7.8 billion people in the world, but as you can see from this table, only 9.59 percent of them live in Europe and 7.6 percent in North America which includes Mexico. If you take out the non-whites who live on those continents, and you add the ones who live in other parts of the world, whites turn to be – maybe – just 13 or 14 percent of the world population.  Read more >

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...