Monday, March 11, 2024

Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

White Americans have been under full scale assault ever since the Jew running the EEOC ignored the statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and imposed racial quotas that made white people, especially gentile males, second class citizens compared to blacks who are designated "preferred minorities" in university admissions, hiring, and promotion.

In the decades that have passed, blacks have learned that their preferred stratus gives them superiority to whites. They have benefited, as Jews have, from victim status, which protects them from criticism and from being held accountable . Just has it been established that it is not permitted to criticize Israel or Jews (anti-semitism) or question their narratives (holocaust denier), holding blacks accountable is considered proof of white supremacy. Media will not report the race of blacks arrested for crimes.

This leaves white gentiles in a vulnerable position in which white gentiles, like the French people in The Camp of the Saints, have been deracinated and made incapable of justifying their ethnicity and their existence.

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