News Sites


ACM Outpost

These are very dark days. Ben Williams sheds light on current events from his unique critical thinking perspective.

Alternative News (Last posts in 2020)

The Independent news source for free-thinking people.

American Renaissance

Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society - language, religion, class, ideology - it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century.

BYD Daily Mail

Links to stories or other items of interest provided by Pastor Dan Johns. Psalm 64:2 - 'Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked; from the violence of the workers of iniquity.'

Censored News

Censored News is an excellent news aggregator of truth-telling alternative media news sites. Their slogan is "All the news they don't want you to see."

Christians For Truth

Christians For Truth's only goal is to spread the truth to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. We live in times of mass deception, where the entire world has been deceived by lies.

Euro Folk Radio

EFR provides a voice for european peoples worldwide. As such it tackles topics which the mainstream media give little or no time to and which are commonly classed in certain quarters as being politically incorrect.

Goyim TV

Goyim TV is an alternative news and commentary site created by Jon Minadeo (Aka Handsome truth from Goyim Defense League). There are some hard-hitting videos, images, music, etc. posted there.

The Sons of Liberty

The Sons of Liberty was an organization that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies. The Sons of Liberty was formed to protect the rights of the colonists as well as consistently fighting against tyranny both in America and abroad.

The Stew Peters Show

Get the latest news and take the ride with us as we fight false narratives against conservatives and help move the America First agenda forward.


Canuck Law

Canuck Law is a site for research into legal/political developments, primarily in Canada. This will cover the topics and information that you are very unlikely to read in the mainstream, or even alternative media. Evidence and sources are provided throughout to make fact checking easier for do.

Council of European Canadians

The Council of European Canadians is a group of public-minded individuals who believe the European heritage and character of Canada should be maintained and enhanced.

Cultural Action Party of Canada

The voice of the social conservative movement in Canada exposing the destructive anti-European policies of the Liberal government.

Druthers Newspaper

Proudly bringing independent, honest, important news and information to Canadians that mainstream media ignores, misrepresents or outright lies about.

Rebel News

At Rebel News, they tell the other side of the story. They follow the facts wherever they may lead - even if that conflicts with the official narrative of the establishment.

Truth 11 is an independent media site dedicated to the truth and true journalism. We have been reporting the truth for 18 years.  Our motivation as an independent journalist is the truth.  We need the truth to navigate our lives in positive directions, and to be able to defend ourselves against lies, corruption and attacks on humanity. We need the truth to know ourselves, our real history, our real power and potential. We need the truth to know our enemy and how they work against us. We need to study every move made to keep the truth in full focus.


ACH Radio Show

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, the author of "The Synagogue of Satan" hosts a daily radio show with guest speakers presenting topics of current interest.

Hugo Talks

Hugo Talks makes videos about current events, at this moment in time he is making content covering the lockdown. The mainstream media and it's reporting on these events is increasingly biased an dishonest, and in his own small way he is attempting to help redress the balance.

Red Ice TV

Red Ice reaches tens of thousands of people every month seeking an alternative to the mainstream, covering politics, entertainment and current events from a pro-European perspective. What you read in the mainstream media about us is not true. They lie about who we are and what we stand for. Tune in for yourself and you will find out.

The French Connection

The French Connection was a website created by Darryl Bradford Smith to expose the history of the criminal Khazarian mafia. It was an amazing site with tons of resources which you can still find at the Archived version of the site.

Australia & New Zealand

CI Australia News

All the latest news stories and articles about Australia's continual cultural and economic decline, which is directly related to the moral decline of its white European population. What's left of it.

Wake Up New Zealand

The elite openly discuss and have documented their globalist agenda even in publicly accessible materials. These are not conspiracy theories, they are conspiracy facts as the elite provide their own evidence and proof.

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...