Friday, August 30, 2024

This Stupid, Indifferent, and Indoctrinated Population Cannot Be Fixed

"The American people, taking one with another, constitute the most timorous, snivelling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goosesteppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the end of the Middle Ages." ~ H. L. Mencken

It seems that the very astute Mencken had a handle on the sorry state of Americans many decades ago. Of course, his observations were correct, but I doubt even he would have believed what is going on today. It is pure insanity. From the staged 9/11 incident, to all the so-called shootings over the past 25 years, to the murderous and aggressive U.S. wars, to the riots, looting, burning, and assaults on the streets, to the purposeful destruction of the economy, to the fake 'covid' pandemic, to the lockdowns, business closures, mask wearing, evil (all) presidents, "woke'" madness, pre-planned inundation of non-immigrant immigrants, the staged (fake) 'assassination' attempt of the moronic Trump, the fully U.S. supported Israeli genocide of an entire people, and now to the plotted soap opera of Biden 'standing down' for Harris. This of course, is just an infinitesimal amount of all the bullshit that has been going on for many decades, and to list it all would be a gargantuan task.

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