Thursday, August 1, 2024

Buckle Up, The Brotherhood Of Evil Is In Their Power Cycle, and We Should Expect A False Flag Terror Attack Against The United States In The Coming Months

One of the more recent questions that concern all but those who are actually running the world is just who is actually running this particular nation; who selects our presidents.  It should be most obvious to anyone actually paying attention to things that they are NOT actually “elected” but are selected as we have discussed many times before in this column.   We will not get the answer today, but we will see very clearly that they do in fact have full control over our state of affairs. Read more >

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Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...