Friday, August 30, 2024

This Stupid, Indifferent, and Indoctrinated Population Cannot Be Fixed

"The American people, taking one with another, constitute the most timorous, snivelling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goosesteppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the end of the Middle Ages." ~ H. L. Mencken

It seems that the very astute Mencken had a handle on the sorry state of Americans many decades ago. Of course, his observations were correct, but I doubt even he would have believed what is going on today. It is pure insanity. From the staged 9/11 incident, to all the so-called shootings over the past 25 years, to the murderous and aggressive U.S. wars, to the riots, looting, burning, and assaults on the streets, to the purposeful destruction of the economy, to the fake 'covid' pandemic, to the lockdowns, business closures, mask wearing, evil (all) presidents, "woke'" madness, pre-planned inundation of non-immigrant immigrants, the staged (fake) 'assassination' attempt of the moronic Trump, the fully U.S. supported Israeli genocide of an entire people, and now to the plotted soap opera of Biden 'standing down' for Harris. This of course, is just an infinitesimal amount of all the bullshit that has been going on for many decades, and to list it all would be a gargantuan task.

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The Silent Holocaust

A sorrowful and tragic prophecy from the Bible has already come to pass in our day and age: " the last shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous...disobedient to parents...without natural affection...incontinent, fierce...lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God..." (II Timothy 3:1-4).

The prophecy describes character traits of modern human beings, especially in the Free World. Perhaps nowhere do these terrible qualities reveal themselves than in the subject of abortion. It is amazing how far we have sunk in just a little more than several decades. Read more >

Kill Gates’ Pest Control Agenda In Action

It’s a veritable zoo of psyops agendas out there. The United States of Absurdities is currently in a panic over Monkeypox, Bird flu, Sloth fever, and not one, but TWO different Mosquito viruses!  First, Your Holiness Dr. Fraudci is allegedly just recovering from a bout of West Nile Virus, the symptoms of which include no symptoms at all. Yet, just like the Covaids plandemic, Americans have been put on a curfew, warned to stay at home, lock their doors, wrap themselves in plastic… and stay glued to their television for new propaganda and spellcasting.  While doing all that, their friendly CDC exterminator team will conduct aerial and truck-mounted ground spray operations. Rest assured, this is totally unrelated to the large-scale spraying of homes, fields, kids, pets, cattle, and entire American cities with DDT, which, even as its horror side effects started emerging, “saved far more lives than it was endangering” according to scientists. Sound familiar? 

Oh, and I’m not saying all these new mosquito viruses are part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment… but… all these new mosquito viruses are likely part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment.  It’s as simple as exchanging donuts and beer for a lethal injection: 

1) Release bio-weapons; 

2) Lockdown ze human bugs; 

3) Spray zem with lethal chemicals. 

Or in the case of Israhell in Gaza – blow up little kids, call it “an accident”, and go after the survivors with your polio death jab. 

I swear, you can’t make up today’s vlog script if you tried, although maybe it really is the Apocalypse and we’re dealing with some modern version of the plagues in Script-ure. Watch here >

Is D.C. Run By Demons?

Nancy Pelosi reveals she is a cold-blooded reptilian and Chuck Schumer orders a demon out of his chair. Crazy stuff!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

TOYOTA CEO: This New Engine Will End Electric Cars

Even though technology is advancing at a rate that blows our minds, no one could ever have guessed that there would come a day where you could get some water from the kitchen sink, pour into your car’s tank, and be good to go on a trip to the supermarket or to another state. However, Toyota’s announcement about an engine that will soon end the era of electric cars suggests that it is possible for car engines to run on water. But, what are the odds that a car can run on only water without fuel or electricity? Stay with us as we explore the new and exciting advancements in car technology and discover all Toyota has to say about their new water engine. Watch here >

Monday, August 26, 2024

Zionists Did 9-11 - Why is US Defending Israel?

Twenty-three years after Sept 11, 2001, millions of Americans believe the attacks were orchestrated by Osama bin Laden and nineteen guys with box cutters. You probably know some people like that yourself, people who refuse to accept reality and cling to the lies they've been told. If so, I suggest you remove those folks from your life. That might sound harsh, so let me explain in simple language why it's so important. Anyone who claims that 9/11 was anything other than an Israeli Mossad operation from start to finish is either a selfish fool or a traitorous liar. There's no in-between. Let's look at both groups, starting with the selfish fools. Read more >

Religious Fundamentalism Empowered As Canada, UK Appoint Top Legal Positions

Both Britain and Canada have installed Muslim citizens as the top legal eagles in their respective countries. It's a curious phenomenon, made all the more fascinating by the fact that media in Canada have buried this critical development. "In a historic ceremony at the Royal Courts of Justice, MP Shabana Mahmood was sworn in as the first female Muslim Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom." "The event marked a milestone in British history, with Ms Mahmood swearing her oath on the Holy Quran." In Canada, the equivalent position is held by Liberal Attorney General Arif Virani, who as an immigrant from Uganda, revealed his true colours in a controversial bureaucratic appointment last month. Like Virani, Birju Dattani is a Muslim migrant from Uganda. Read more >

Gain of Function Genocide In Action: Operation Monkeypox Begins while Jones Plantation Reality Show Mesmerizes the Tax Slaves

In today’s vlog, Appolonia makes a brief guest appearance and we discuss the CovAids-Shingles-Plague-Pox they’re breaking out as the next plandemic. Maybe, as a cover for the billions of people who are going to die of the previous ‘clot shot for a donut’. Or, maybe billions will die from a new lethal injection specially engineered for the monkeypox. Or, maybe it will be a new genetically engineered variant that has been engineered to be jab-resistant, which will infect 3.2 billion people and kill 271 million. And, if you think that’s strangely specific, those numbers are according to the 2021 Nuclear Threat Initiative report that was published while the world was obsessed with coronavirus statistics and TikTok videos of dancing nurses. This time, the Demon/Reptilian/Nephilim/Alien rulers are revealing themselves and changing history before our eyes, raising a 90-foot monkey statue in Texas (the third biggest in the US); as well as a demon reptile with monkeypox and an all-seeing eye on his chest and a giant penis in New Orleans where a confederate statue used to be. The masks are coming off, and it’s happening while mind-controlled DemonRAT and RepubliCRAT slaves continue to be mesmerized by the evil Satanic 2-party system.  Watch here >

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Anti-Immigration Riots In U.K. Censored By Canadian Media For A Reason

Media's obsession with so-called  "Islamophobia" results in a critical yet overlooked element of the equation. Who is responsible for an immigration policy which results in a host culture being overwhelmed by immigration? That would be government, and not "the people."  The dynamic is consistent throughout the Anglosphere. Media immediately jump over the complexity of these situations to brand the perpetrators "far-right" thugs. Never do the press state that it's immigration policy that Britons are fed-up with, as opposed to a targeting of specific “racialized” communities. Read more >

Comments About the British Riots Against Immigration

Whichever way you cut it, the imposition of immigrant diversity upon whites has been a huge failure according to almost every criteria we employ:

  • it has come along with endless campaign to fight “white racism” leading to a permanent climate of racial tension felt primarily by lower and middle classes whites living among immigrants
  • it has entailed the promotion of the blatant lie, orchestrated by teachers and university professors themselves, that all Western nations are intrinsically “immigrant nations” constituted by diverse races
  • it has resulted, in most Western nations, in continuous transfers of income and wealth from whites to nonwhites, amounting to trillions
  • it has nurtured a media, and a professional elite, that is now trained to construct lies, cover up crimes, and forced upon everyone the belief that “diversity is our strength”
  • it has required white men who wish to integrate into this system of racial mixing, get and education and a career, to emasculate themselves and lose their dignity
  • it has transformed once clean, stable, nice smelling cities into third-world like noisy and dirty cities — notwithstanding the billions spend on city planning thanks to white taxpayers
  • it has resulted in persisting killing and rape of white women and girls by nonwhite immigrants and its acceptance by a white male ruling class devoid of honor

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"This is Hezbollah's 9/11 and it's DEVASTATING"

Israel launched a sophisticated exploding pager strike against thousands of Lebanese and Hezbollah officials. The numbers are still coming i...