Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Was Jasper Devastation Caused by a DEW?

Was a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) used to target Jasper because the Premier of Alberta dared to say no to the nefarious plans of Prime Minister Trudeau, and his global elite handlers, to put an end to the production of oil and gas in Alberta? Read more >

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Druthers Newspaper - August 2024


*  17 Million Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
*  International Bird Flu Summit
*  Statins and Accelerated Aging
*  Why is Canada Burning?
*  Scientists Create Organic Slave Computer
*  The Mainstream Worldview is a Mass-Produced Artificial Psychosis
*  And many more

Read the August edition of Druthers Newspaper online here:

Buckle Up, The Brotherhood Of Evil Is In Their Power Cycle, and We Should Expect A False Flag Terror Attack Against The United States In The Coming Months

One of the more recent questions that concern all but those who are actually running the world is just who is actually running this particular nation; who selects our presidents.  It should be most obvious to anyone actually paying attention to things that they are NOT actually “elected” but are selected as we have discussed many times before in this column.   We will not get the answer today, but we will see very clearly that they do in fact have full control over our state of affairs. Read more >

Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado


This confirmation from Colorado is very meaningful, because the same self assembly nanotechnology we found in the COVID bioweapons is in dental anesthetics. I also showed microscopy of many childhood vaccines, Insulin, and other injectable drugs.  We, concerned scientists and doctors around the world, have been correct in our warnings all along, and gradually rigorous scientific evaluations from reputable Universities prove this point. The question is, what will humanity do about it? How can you continue to ignore the self evident while harm is being done to our fellow humans? Read more >

Ukraine War is Slavic Genocide

A 1994 speech by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson suggests that the Ukraine war might be a part of a larger plan for Slavic Genocide.  However, although many Ukrainian soldiers have died, Russian reluctance to target civilians would belie this analysis. On the other hand, Russia's failure to trace the problem to Organized Jewry and Chabad, referring to NATO as "Anglo Saxons" would support it. Read more >

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Not Black, She’s Lazy and Flirts To Get What She Wants

This is the best biography lesson in twenty-three minutes on Kamala Harris. Judge Joe Brown breaks his silence on how he really feels about Kamala Harris. He knows Kamala better than most people and he is more honest about Kamala than her peers.  Watch on YouTube >

REVISITED: White Birth Rates Declining . . . By Design

Never in history has an entire race been targeted for extinction by propaganda.  The jooz have done a number on the minds of gullible Whites, using Islam and non-Whites to outbreed us while we wallow in self-pity and “white guilt.”    This is the same lie that was told to Eve by the “serpent” in the Garden.  Race-mix and die, Whitey!  Read moreA Classic Book About Demographics >

IT’S WAR! Stealthy, Asymmetric, Guerrilla Warfare Coming To America

While the NWO cabal is accomplishing several goals by flooding the USA with illegal aliens, there is one pivotal objective that reigns supreme.  By staging one border invasion of after another, the globalists are able to secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being amnesty seekers, which they are not. Many are even purposefully released violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in America.  Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortunes and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially 3 duties/destinations for these fighting aged men.

(1) The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organized terrorists cells. There they will await their future orders.

(2) The paid mercenaries will be sent to extremely clandestine military training camps to be trained in urban and rural guerrilla warfare. Again, they will await their future orders.

(3) The willing and less dangerous economic immigrants and war refugees are immediately registered into a “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship” program. By volunteering to enter the U.S. Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast-track to full-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks. However, these mercs are also put into specially trained regiments and squads who are stripped of any reservation about firing on Americans. The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs as preparation to man what are basically treasonous brigades.

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic serve critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. The Khazarian decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated color revolution scheme will use basically the same war plan that was utilized during both the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War, if and when they launch this insurrection to save their necks. Read more >

Religious Extremist Attempts To Establish Islamic State Off Canadian Coastline

According to an article published this week in the Toronto Sun, "extremist scholar Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, was thwarted from buying an island on the Canada-U.S. border because the price tag was too steep."  "Al-Habib told followers that Canada would make an ideal base because the country is generally welcoming with lax immigration laws."  If they had purchased, Al-Habib said he would institute sharia law and build schools, hospitals and mosques. They would have had their own army, their own justice system, they would manage their own schools and hospitals, and people from around the world would have been able to migrate to this homeland. Read more >

Chemtrails, The Jets That Spray Them, And The Equipment Used Are Proof Of An Ongoing Global Conspiracy

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. The quantum leap in applied science and technology has “precipitated” a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geoengineering.  Just one component of this secret geoengineering program is known as chemtrails. For those who have never heard of chemtrails, they are not to be confused with contrails, which are the normal exhaust vapors ejected from jet engines in flight.  Read more >

Trump Psyops Continue as Jews Blow Up Thousands of People in Cyber Terror Attacks

More fake assassination attempts via dummy bullets, pager bombs, lethal 5G radiation poisoning, lethal injections, and lethal food poisoning...