Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Christian-Israelite's Destiny: Rulership with the Messiah in the Coming World Government

The announcement of the Kingdom serves as an invitation to royal office in the coming geopolitical reign on a renewed earth. This is both the goal of human history and the destiny of the Church. This is to be the honor and responsibility of Christian-Israelites as they assist YEHOVAH God and the Messiah in the future worldwide government. This will be the first truly successful world government. Read more >

Dresden: A Burnt Offering

75 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed... Watch video here >

An Introduction to Radios and Emergency Communication

 Isaac talks about the different radio types, radio bands, and radio licences that you may need, and how to build a bigger emergency communication plan for your community.

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley

Jerel has been an active Christian Patriot, White Nationalist, Identity Christian since the very early 1960's. We have known Jerel since the early months of 2009, or perhaps a little sooner. It was Jerel who was responsible for our having made available the Russia. No. 1 (1919) Report, the 1919 U.S. Gov't. Memorandum on the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, and other important documents crucial to our understanding of Jewish treachery and the history of the last 200 years. Listen to the interview here >

Who is Behind White Genocide?

This documentary video hosted by White Rabbit at Down The Rabbit Hole is an expose of all the treasonous whites and non-whites who desire to reduce, replace and destroy the white race. Just listen to their own words. After watching this video you will be convinced that white genocide is definitely real! Watch the video here >

Crossroads: What Must Happen Now?

We stand at the crossroads of history right now. The recent events of the day feature an unprecedented time in history when the entire civilized world has been shut down by international forces on the basis of a magic spell. Sorcery.  Pharmakeia. The vast majority of people have been swept away with an illusion by means of hard-core propaganda of numbers and a single cause (the “virus”). A major shift, through a masterful psychological warfare campaign, has taken us to a new level toward servitude and a new economic demise (called the international economic order). Nothing will be the same again and the stakes of life and death will now become more acute. We have a choice about how we will respond and what we will do. Read the article here >


America's Border Crisis is WORSE Than We Imagined

What's happening at the U.S. border is even worse than we could have imagined. J.J. Carrell just returned from Imperial Beach San Diego which is the main invasion point into the U.S. What he uncovered shocked even us. Watch the show here >

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Babylon the Great and the Coming Great Depression!

 We live and are completely dependent on the Babylonian custom of false money and usury banking. YEHOVAH God has revealed in his Word and in history that these are central to the Babylonian system, which is the antithesis of His Law. The ancient Babylonian banking/financial system was prophesied to become so "Great" at the end of this age that it would dominate all nations. This has also literally come to pass in our modern world today. The present money and banking system is the foundational cause for the coming demise of the world's economic system and the onslaught of a depression that will make the Great Depression of the 1930s look like a Sunday school picnic!  Read more >

Ten Things I Hate About my Fellow Americans

After four years of fake viruses, fake pandemics, fake elections, fake food, fake shootings, and fake everything, I've made the following observations about my fellow Americans.

1) America is made up of dupes, fools, and morons. How else can you explain over 60% of the population voluntarily injecting themselves with a fake vaccine for a phony virus? 

How else can you explain roughly 99% of the population continuing to visit the very same doctors who just tried to poison them? 

Who else but a complete retard would do such a thing?.

2) Americans are incapable of handling the truth. Call it stupidity, call it immaturity, call it fear. They are so thoroughly brainwashed they are never coming back to reality.

Read more >

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Islam and the Papacy in Prophecy


The identifying mark of the Little Horn of Daniel 7 as a persecuting power has been historically fulfilled by both the Papacy and Islam. Regarding the persecuting power of the Papacy, it is significant that recently the Pope himself has apologized for the atrocities committed by the Catholic Church against Jews, Muslims, and dissenting Christians over the centuries. Compared to the Papacy, however, Islam has persecuted Christians far more intensively and extensively. The persecuting nature of Islam is inspired by the example and teachings of its founder, Muhammad, who fought all the pagans, Jews, and Christians in Saudi Arabia, until he subdued them, forcing them to accept Islam. Muhammad's example was followed by his fanatical followers who systematically exterminated Christians or reduced them to a condition of virtual servitude. Read more >

Gavin Newsom Just Signed a Bill Criminalizing Memes

Gavin Newsom just signed a bill making memes and parody illegal in his state. And no, this is not a meme. This is for real. The Democrat par...