Sunday, June 23, 2024

Islam and the Papacy in Prophecy


The identifying mark of the Little Horn of Daniel 7 as a persecuting power has been historically fulfilled by both the Papacy and Islam. Regarding the persecuting power of the Papacy, it is significant that recently the Pope himself has apologized for the atrocities committed by the Catholic Church against Jews, Muslims, and dissenting Christians over the centuries. Compared to the Papacy, however, Islam has persecuted Christians far more intensively and extensively. The persecuting nature of Islam is inspired by the example and teachings of its founder, Muhammad, who fought all the pagans, Jews, and Christians in Saudi Arabia, until he subdued them, forcing them to accept Islam. Muhammad's example was followed by his fanatical followers who systematically exterminated Christians or reduced them to a condition of virtual servitude. Read more >

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