Saturday, September 21, 2024

UK’s Streets Overtaken: Why Is This Display of Islamic Dominance Allowed?

In a shocking scene that continues to raise questions about the future of British society, over 30,000 Muslims recently paraded through the streets of the UK, transforming what were once quintessentially British streets into a spectacle of foreign Islamic dominance. This wasn’t a peaceful religious observance or cultural festival—this was a display of power. Islamic flags, black robes, cries of Allahu Akbar, and the deafening roar of Arabic music filled the air as onlookers could do little but watch their country be overtaken. Read more >

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FEMA Controlled And Run By Satan's Kids - Proof of Weatherwars

This might explain the lack of empathy for Caucasians who worship the God of the Bible… as Christ said, these creatures are murderers, liars...