Sunday, March 31, 2024

New Bible Translator Promotes the Anglo-Israel Message

 Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible is the result of 25 years of intense research from multiple sources. Untouched from the bias of any religious assembly, it has meant the restoration of thousands of passages, including all major themes of the prophets and apostles. The new and highly developed ORGANIC translation method brings to magnificent light, for the first timei n the English language, the whole miracle of the Bible’s internal harmony, producing the richest fruits from the gardens of God. Learn more here >

David and Eli discuss this Bible here >

Are The British Royal Family Illegitimate? Britain's Real Monarch

New evidence is unearthed that strongly suggests that Richard's brother, King Edward IV, was illegitimate. If that were the case, the entire royal bloodline that traces its lineage to Edward has no legal right to the throne. In fact, according to our own constitutional rules, Britain's real monarch today is not Elizabeth II, but King Michael, a resident of Jerilderie, Australia. Watch here >

Talmudic Red Heifer Nonsense

The red heifer story is back in the news. “The delivery of five red heifers to Israel has sparked a worldwide debate about its significance in biblical prophecy, particularly among Christians who believe a third temple will be built during the End Times,”[1] of which the New Testament says nothing. You will search the New Testament with a fine-tooth comb, and you won’t find any mention of another temple being built or the necessity for animal sacrifices to be performed.  Listen here >

Friday, March 22, 2024

Billionaires Burrow Bunkers

"If you had a billion dollars, would you build an underground bunker?  I wouldn't. But practically every billionaire alive today is.  And they're doing it with a sense of speed and urgency.  Do they know something we don't?  If so, why haven't they warned the rest of us?  Read more >

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Restoring the M/F Power Dynamic

The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman affirms both his masculinity and her femininity.  The biggest relationship problem men have today is lack of self-confidence. No one will believe in someone who does not believe in himself.  Young men develop self-confidence by setting goals and meeting them. Women are desperate for marriage. Never forget. Men are the buyers. Women are the sellers.  Take away sex and I estimate 80% of women today have nothing to offer a man.

Women used to align their interests with those of men and society. But humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati who are pushing depopulation and the breakup of the nuclear family.  Read more >

HIGH ALERT! Squatters taking over American homes by the THOUSANDS

Illegal immigrants are playing a dangerous new game, taking over American homes by the thousands using lax squatters laws.

Recommended Reading: Life after Lockdown

Life after lockdowns is fundamentally different than it was before: more degraded, more brutal, more merciless, and more sadistic.Why did this calamity happen? It was a mistake, yes, but there was much more going on, something terrible and nefarious. Some institutionalization of ancient vices included the will to rule, greed, malice, and much more.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Year 2024; Providing the Dead Sea Scrolls Temple Calendar

There are so many calendars out there claiming to be Our Father in Heaven’s calendar; however most do not have any written proof of these.  Today we have these sources that can be used to ensure our calendar is correct:  Dead Sea Scrolls Temple Calendar, Book of Jubilees and Book of Enoch. These sources reflect that we can use the moon as a tool to ensure our calendar is in agreement with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The moon has 29 ½ days in each lunar month; so, they alternated the days of the lunar month as 29 days, then 30 day, then 29 days, then 30 days, and so forth. Read more >

The War Between Knowledge and Stupidity

It is no exaggeration to say that making believable information and credible analysis available to citizens at present is probably indispensable for resisting the behemoth of lies and betrayal confronting us. This has never been more necessary than it is today, given that we face what is probably the greatest crisis in the history of humanity, with nothing less than our freedom, let alone our lives, at stake. Read more >

Supreme Court Pivots, Will ALLOW Texas To Arrest, Deport Illegals In Stunning Blow to Biden Regime

Justices reject Biden regime’s request to prevent Texas from exercising new border enforcement power. What a blow to the traitors and a stunning win for Americans.
Supreme Court Pivots, Will ALLOW Texas To Arrest, Deport Illegals In Stunning Blow to Biden Regime

Huge victory for all Americans. Read more >

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rolling Stone TARGETS Stew Over Weimar TRUTH: Pressures Rumble To CENSOR Interview

Stew Peters fires back at Rolling Stone after they pressured Rumble to censor his interview exposing the transgenderism of the Weimar Republic.

Watch Show on Rumble >

Recommended Reading: The War on the West

"It is now in vogue to celebrate non-Western cultures and disparage Western ones. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning, but much of it fatally undermines the very things that created the greatest, most humane civilization in the world.

In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been fooled by hypocritical and inconsistent anti-West rhetoric. After all, if we must discard the ideas of Kant, Hume, and Mill for their opinions on race, shouldn’t we discard Marx, whose work is peppered with racial slurs and anti-Semitism? Embers of racism remain to be stamped out in America, but what about the raging racist inferno in the Middle East and Asia?

It’s not just dishonest scholars who benefit from this intellectual fraud but hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their own ongoing villainy. Dictators who slaughter their own people are happy to jump on the “America is a racist country” bandwagon and mimic the language of anti-racism and “pro-justice” movements as PR while making authoritarian conquests.

If the West is to survive, it must be defended. The War on the West is not only an incisive takedown of foolish anti-Western arguments but also a rigorous new apologetic for civilization itself."  Buy book here >

Monday, March 11, 2024

SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert “Faith4Vaccines” scheme

In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" on their congregants, many of whom are now chronically ill or dead as a result.

The report from America Out Loud explains that a government program called "Faith4Vaccines," which was birthed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) vaccine propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps, convinced money-grubbing "faith leaders" to sell out their flocks to Big Pharma. Read more >

Eli James returns for his second appearance in The Sane Asylum

The courageous true Christian and insightful author Eli James returns for his second appearance in The Sane Asylum to Discuss the latest release of his seminal book, "The Great Impersonation:  How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World."

 Pastor Eli James’s book, The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World, can be summarized in three concise statements: 1) Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judahite; and there is a world of difference between the two concepts. 2) The Jewish people are not Israelites. They are, in fact, the ones deceiving the whole world by impersonating Israel. 3) The Bible is not a Jewish book. The Bible is a book that was written to, for, by and about Israel exclusively.

Listen to The Sane Asylum show here >

Order Pastor Eli's book here >

Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

White Americans have been under full scale assault ever since the Jew running the EEOC ignored the statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and imposed racial quotas that made white people, especially gentile males, second class citizens compared to blacks who are designated "preferred minorities" in university admissions, hiring, and promotion.

In the decades that have passed, blacks have learned that their preferred stratus gives them superiority to whites. They have benefited, as Jews have, from victim status, which protects them from criticism and from being held accountable . Just has it been established that it is not permitted to criticize Israel or Jews (anti-semitism) or question their narratives (holocaust denier), holding blacks accountable is considered proof of white supremacy. Media will not report the race of blacks arrested for crimes.

This leaves white gentiles in a vulnerable position in which white gentiles, like the French people in The Camp of the Saints, have been deracinated and made incapable of justifying their ethnicity and their existence.

Read more >

America the New Jerusalem

As prophesied, in Ezekiel the Israelites were to migrate to their own land.  They would be leaving from their captivity and then going to their new land.

Ezekiel 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went. 22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. 23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. 24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.  Read more >


100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

Who are the modern European people and where did they come from?  The following is a list which undoubtedly proves the ancient lsraelites were white. That the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic European people today are in fact the true and only descendants of lsrael who inherited all the promises made to our forefathers. That virtually all of the Bible Prophecies are centered around the modern white race today spread through out the whole world.  The list contains a mixture of scripture, bible verses both old and new testament and also historical study.

Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World

A renowned historian debunks current distortion and myths about European colonialism in the New World and restores much needed balance to our understanding of the past.
Was America really “stolen” from the Indians? Was Columbus a racist? Were Indians really peace-loving, communistic environmentalists? Did Europeans commit “genocide” in the New World?

It seems that almost everyone—from CNN to the New York Times to angry students pulling down statues of our founders—believes that America’s history is a shameful tale of racism, exploitation, and cruelty.

In Not Stolen, renowned historian Jeff Fynn-Paul systematically dismantles this relentlessly negative view of U.S. history, arguing that it is based on shoddy methods, misinformation, and outright lies about the past.

America was not “stolen” from the Indians but fairly purchased piece by piece in a thriving land market. Nor did European settlers cheat, steal, murder, rape or purposely infect them with smallpox to the extent that most people believe. No genocide occurred—either literal or cultural—and the decline of Native populations over time is not due to violence but to assimilation and natural demographic processes.

Fynn-Paul not only debunks these toxic myths, but provides a balanced portrait of this complex historical process over 500 years. The real history of Native and European relations will surprise you. Not only is this not a tale of shameful sins and crimes against humanity—it is more inspiring than you ever dared to imagine.  Read more >

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Where Did The Lost Tribes Of Israel Go?

One of the biggest mysteries of the Bible, is what on earth happened to the 10 Lost Tribes? Where did they go? Why can't we find them? Did they just disappear and vanish never to be seen again. Well modern archeology and history can tell you all about the ancient civilizations and even those that existed around the lost tribes. The Romans, The Greeks, The Persians, The Assyrians, the Babylonians but not those lost tribes. Could there be a conspiracy? An effort to cover up, to the hide the truth of the true identity of those of the lost tribes. The truth is the Lost Tribes were never lost, they simply went to Europe and became the Europeans. They became the Christian people, because the Apostles sought out the Lost Tribes in Europe, since that is who Christianity was intended for. We are descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Bible is our history and the next shorts will proof this without a doubt.  Watch series here >

Islam: The Green Horse of Revelation Six!

Wherever the White Horse and his rider have gone, the Red and Black horses have followed, with the GREEN Horse and his rider tagging along in the rear with hell or the grave as his companion. DEATH and the GRAVE were the natural results for those who refused to partake of the heresies of the Green Horse! Death is the trademark of the GREEN HORSE -- just as death is the trademark of Islam.  Read more >

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The secret History of Khazarian Mafia (KM) and its evil plan to hijack the whole world is now revealed for first time.

The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its "Evil beyond imagination", that empowers this World's largest Organized Crime Cabal.

The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press. Read more >

Exposing Transhumanism And The 15 Minute City Agenda

David Icke is interviewed by Josh at World Alternative Media and presents a beautiful presentation of The Secret Societies and Transhumanism.

Watch here >

Do White People Have a Future?

What are the prospects for white people? This isn’t a trivial question, because all the indicators are bad. It’s not an exaggeration to say that unless white people start thinking about their future as a people, they’ll have no future at all. Does that sound ridiculous? Well, it’s a fact, and here’s why. There are nearly 7.8 billion people in the world, but as you can see from this table, only 9.59 percent of them live in Europe and 7.6 percent in North America which includes Mexico. If you take out the non-whites who live on those continents, and you add the ones who live in other parts of the world, whites turn to be – maybe – just 13 or 14 percent of the world population.  Read more >

The Bible is Against Socialism and Communism

Christians must oppose socialism and communism, for these systems of economy and governance are contrary to God’s design of both man, government and economy. Socialism is antithetical to the very nature of both God and man. By creating man in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27), God created man with perfect free-agency -- the power to choose. Free agency is one of our greatest gifts from God. Socialists hate the notion of "rugged individualism," for it emphasizes the strength of the individual over the collective. Under socialism and communism, personal freedom is sacrificed for the "greater good" of government and society. Read more >

Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare

We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It's called fifth-generation warfare, and I'm here to tell you all about it.

Watch here >

Eli James’ Early History with Finck and Emahiser

There has been much infighting in the Christian Identity community and this expose is long overdue. Eli James presents proof of his European genealogy through DNA testing and Heraldry websites. Also, he exposes the Jewish heritage of his nemesis Bill Finck. His history with Bill Finck and Clifton Emahiser is laid out for all to see.

Listen here >

Exposing The Lies Of History: This episode is a fascinating deep dive Into the history of the world wars

Author Reed Sainsbury returns to continue a deep dive into his insightful book "Exposing the Lies of History-Deprogramming 101."  We begin with the latest satanic globalist machinations and tranny insanny, then continue with Reed's Masterwork.

Destroying Evidence Of Covid Vaccine Genocide To Be Able To Shift The Blame To A New Faked Pandemic

Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 20...