Tuesday, September 24, 2024

RED ALERT: Jewish War Lords planting Sleeper Cells in our Communities by Using US Open Borders!

Join Artist and Journalist Victor Hugo Vaca as he discusses Military experts predict that USA Taxpayer financed Israeli Terrorist attacks all but guarantee that the Jewish traitor to American citizens, Alejandro Mayorkas, open border policy will spark sleeper cell attacks inside of the USA which will inevitably lead to a violent revolution. Watch show on Rumble >

Apricot Kernals as an Anti-Cancer Treatment

The Natural News and Brighteon.com founder, Mike Adams, notes that many people have used apricot kernels as a form of natural medicine in order to prevent or treat cancer with the help of naturopathic physicians. According to Adams, there is something about laetrile that attracts it to cancer tumors.

“They have treated various diagnoses of cancer and laetrile has been described as a kind of naturopathic chemotherapy. It is apparently very toxic, or cytotoxic to cancer cells. But at the proper dose, it is not toxic to the rest of the body,” Adams said. Read and Listen Here >

The Christian Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th month of the biblical calendar for eight days.  This feast is also known as the Feast of Booths.  When using the solar calendar documented by Enoch,the book of Jubilees and the Dead Sea Scrolls, this feast is normally starts the first Wednesday in October.  All feasts of joy are on Wednesdays and the ‘Great Last Day’ is also on a Wednesday.

Historically:  They made a temporary structure out of tree branches to live in for eight days. They read the laws of Moses during this time.  They presented food offering and sacrifices each of the eight days.  It was a celebration of the final harvest for the year and a celebration of being chosen by our Father in Heaven to be HIS people.  Jesus was circumcised during the Feast of Tabernacles when he tabernacled with us 2020 years ago.

Today it is a celebration of being HIS chosen people and to give thanks for the fall harvest.  We are to gather together and to celebrate by living in a temporary structure for eight days. During this time we are to read the laws of Moses.  It will prepare us for Jesus’ return when the law will be fulfilled.  We are to celebrate the final harvest of the year (like Thanksgiving) and give thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father. We are to remember that our bodies are our temporary dwellings known as tabernacles.  The first day and the eighth day is a holy assembly and we should not perform any work except meal preparation.

Prophecy:  We are the final harvest when Jesus returns.  The eighth day of the feast is called ‘The Last Great Day’ and it is also known as the feast of completion and the expiration of sin.  On this date when Jesus returns, all the goats will have been burnt in the ‘lake of fire’ and that is why it is also called the expiration of sin.  It will be a day of celebrating Jesus tabernacling with us forever.  Read more >

How Noble of Israel

Whatever the actual number of casualties, the innocent people of Palestine are suffering on an immeasurable scale, maimed and slaughtered by airplanes and bombs made in America. News reports inform the world of atrocity after atrocity after atrocity committed by the Israel Defense Forces, and even the major TV networks in the US have touched upon these war crimes, though only some of them and always in a muted way, carefully selecting certain words and avoiding others so as not to implant the wrong ideas in the minds of viewers. For example, Israeli soldiers are never terrorists and their actions are never barbaric. These words are reserved for Hamas, though not as much now as in the early months of the Israeli onslaught. There have even been reports that evoke sorrow for the Palestinians. Read more >

Brother Nathaniel: My Six Point Plan To Ban The Jews

Brother Nathaniel has a six point plan to end Jewish power:

1. End the Jewish FED  2. End Jewish monopoly of the media  3. End Jewish censorship  4. End Jewish money out of politics  5. End Jewish presence in education   6. End all immigration  Watch video here >

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Choice: Zionist or Communist Police State

On Nov 5, Americans will choose between two forms of Masonic Jewish tyranny.: Zionist or Communist. Organized Jewry believes that non-Jews and assimilated Jews are squatters on their planet and need to be enslaved and eliminated. The "Chosen People" dogma is racist Jewish supremacism. It's a scandal that Western nations cannot have self determination unless they accept Palestinian genocide, and eventually their own. The Cabalists think their sick Satanist Dispensation will emerge phoenix-like from the ashes of another world war.  Read this and other current events >

Jewish Origins: The Khazar Empire

Christian Zionists have a perplexing dilemma on their hands since today's Jews are not "God's chosen people" of the Bible but rather a Turkic people from Asia having no substantial connection to the characters and tribes described in the holy books.

As is often the case, fact is more fascinating (and fantastic) than fiction, so it is with Jewish history. Certainly one of the most significant and truly astounding stories has to do with who the Jews really are and where they come from. And in this regard it's widely accepted as fact that Jews all originated in the Levant, as their holy book states and as contemporary Zionism expounds as justification for occupation of the modern state of Israel and surrounding territories.

This may be true for the Sephardim (meaning Jews from Spain) that make up less than 20% of the total today, and probably arrived in southwestern Europe from the Levant during the Roman Empire. But a growing body of historical and archeological evidence shows this is not the case for the vast majority of Jews alive today, the 80%+ called Ashkenazim. So, although Christians and most Jews alike believe that the Eastern Mediterranean region is the homeland of their genetic ancestors, this egregious error confuses religious documents with a true scientifically-derived origin.

That scientifically-verified origin indicates that, as incredible as it may initially seem, the majority of the Jews in the world today actually originated from a group of Turkic people from Asia living between the Caspian and Black Seas in an Empire known as Khazaria, from about the year 700-1200. Khazaria was a formidable and populous power that dominated regional trade routes and accumulated great wealth. Their conversion to Judaism marked one of the most momentous events of the past two millennia. Hundreds of years later the decline and fall of Khazaria pushed Jews into new settlements in Eastern Europe, creating the basis of today's Jewish population that lives primarily in the United States and Israel.

Read more >

Open Borders France: Citizens Denied Aid as Islamic 'Migrants' Exploit Welfare for Conquest and Profit

Charity and support for the needy have been hijacked, transforming France into a welfare state for illegals and Islamic conquerors who weaken the nation from within and openly boast about exploiting the French.  In the latest example of how open borders have devastated French society, a shocking testimony from Villeurbanne reveals that French citizens are being denied aid simply because of their nationality. A homeless man recounts the humiliating experience of watching a migrant couple receive €180 in restaurant coupons, only to be refused the same assistance with the explanation, “It’s not possible, sir, because you are a Frenchman.” Read more >

UK’s Streets Overtaken: Why Is This Display of Islamic Dominance Allowed?

In a shocking scene that continues to raise questions about the future of British society, over 30,000 Muslims recently paraded through the streets of the UK, transforming what were once quintessentially British streets into a spectacle of foreign Islamic dominance. This wasn’t a peaceful religious observance or cultural festival—this was a display of power. Islamic flags, black robes, cries of Allahu Akbar, and the deafening roar of Arabic music filled the air as onlookers could do little but watch their country be overtaken. Read more >

The War for the Future, and the Battle for Today

A deeply entrenched parasitic class is waging an all-out war against humanity, and the responsibility to defend freedom and truth now rests with those of us who refuse to submit to their global agenda. While many of these figures operate within the shadows of tax-funded bureaucracies and three-letter agencies, heightened public scrutiny has brought many of their names and faces to light. The evidence of their premeditated mass murder and their systematic assault on all eight billion of us is irrefutable. There is no longer any room for reasonable debate about their guilt or their ongoing malevolent intent.

The parasitic class has deeply infiltrated governments and institutions, turning them against the very people they were built to serve. Over the course of decades, they have seized control of the three pillars of power in most nations: economic (unlimited resources through unchecked currency printing), informational (a monopoly over legacy news outlets, entertainment, and major social media platforms), and political (party politics compromised by foreign infiltration on all sides). Through this political domination, they have also extended their control over the military forces of many nations. Read more >

FEMA Controlled And Run By Satan's Kids - Proof of Weatherwars

This might explain the lack of empathy for Caucasians who worship the God of the Bible… as Christ said, these creatures are murderers, liars...