Monday, July 1, 2024

Fear Of A White Planet

Few things cause media outrage as much as white people existing quietly, not interacting with other people. The key distinction between white nationalism and “fake” forms of racial nationalism is that the former reflects a desire to be left alone, while other races demand to be subsidized by whites while simultaneously increasing their political power and control.

Once again, some in modern South Africa are attacking the successful Afrikaner enclave of Orania. The country’s constitution is supposed to protect the community’s right to self-determination, but the abstraction of the “rule of law” is always secondary to racial grievances. Andrew Louw, provincial chairman of the ActionSA party in the Northern Cape, says recognizing Orania undermines the “democratic fabric of our society.” In a statement issued on June 22, he said, “We must strive for a South Africa where diversity is celebrated within a united national identity, ensuring that democracy remains vibrant and inclusive for all.” Read more >

THE HATEGATE AFFAIR: Unmasking Canada’s Hate Industry

Democratic countries gain the public’s compliance with buy-ins and manufactured consent, rather than bullets. A more evolved and civil approach, to be sure. But one that carries its own risks. What happens when you run out of villains to justify an escalation to emergency measures? When you want to spook the public into
acquiescence, but your well of horrors has run dry? You make them up.

This is the story of what can go wrong when such a strategy spirals out of control, and all levels of government and media are complicit in ruining innocent lives.  Read more >

Rebel News Fundraising Grift & Tommy Robinson's Cocaine Problem

Bethan Nodwell joins Lana to discuss the events that transpired before and after the latest arrest of Tommy Robinson in Canada. They'll talk about the sketchy fundraising of Ezra Levant and how Rebel News preys on their right wing audience while denouncing genuine activism. Bethan decided to go public about Tommy's cocaine problem and other activities, which do not align with the values of the audience he has captured. She'll also respond to Tommy's accusations against her.

Watch Red Ice video here >

The Countdown

Since the May issue of this magazine, the continuing nudging and innuendoes of further pandemics starting to rear their ugly heads, promulgated by the MSM, such as bird flu, fowl pest, e-coli and variants of the covid virus. Where it was speculated that another plandemic lock-down could have been on June 6, the anniversary of D Day.

However, by their own mouth, in the person of a high-up WHO official, it was admitted recently, that implementation of the WHO plan to secure the globe from future pandemics had been hindered by disinformation and terrorism, which term covers everything from anti-vaxxers to 15 min. cities! Hopefully, this will encourage people to resist even more the tyranny which is upon us!

This is all tied to project of getting everyone onto digital currency, which of course won’t be possible while people have access to food outside of the supermarket system and other controlled outlets. Hence the huge attacks on farming, small holders and fishing. The next plandemic, will no doubt be an excuse to further decimate food supplies, because if people have access to their own food, it will be able to survive outside of the digital nightmare.

Read entire New Ensign magazine >

Revelation Unfolded (Part 1)

Revelation Unfolded, Part 1 is a historicist analysis of the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse). This analysis is done from the Christian Identity point of view. Mainstream churchianity is at a loss to explain the imagery of the Apocalypse because virtually all denominations falsely identify Israel with the Jewish people. CI identifies Israel with the Caucasian people, who are the only people who fulfill all of the identifying marks and prophecies about Yahweh’s chosen people, Israel. Likewise, without this correct premise, the Revelation of John cannot be understood. With the understanding that Revelation is addressed to the Israel people, and not to the Jews, we can trace the historical and prophetic record fairly easily, using the given symbology of both the Old and New Testaments. 

Revelation details the oppressions, foibles, vicissitudes, disobedience and occasional victories of True Israel – warts and all. The Historical record begins with ancient Egypt and predicts the end of the Age, culminating in the judgment of all evil on planet earth, especially the burning of the Edomite tares and their global empire, Mystery Babylon. Immediately after the destruction of this global banking and debauchery empire, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb occurs, when Yahshua (Jesus Christ) returns to claim the Bride, the Righteous Remnant of Israel, the 144000, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes. Thus, the time span covered by Revelation is from 3,000 BC to the Judgment Day, approximately 5,000 years.  

Read more >

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Christian-Israelite's Destiny: Rulership with the Messiah in the Coming World Government

The announcement of the Kingdom serves as an invitation to royal office in the coming geopolitical reign on a renewed earth. This is both the goal of human history and the destiny of the Church. This is to be the honor and responsibility of Christian-Israelites as they assist YEHOVAH God and the Messiah in the future worldwide government. This will be the first truly successful world government. Read more >

Dresden: A Burnt Offering

75 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed... Watch video here >

An Introduction to Radios and Emergency Communication

 Isaac talks about the different radio types, radio bands, and radio licences that you may need, and how to build a bigger emergency communication plan for your community.

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley

Jerel has been an active Christian Patriot, White Nationalist, Identity Christian since the very early 1960's. We have known Jerel since the early months of 2009, or perhaps a little sooner. It was Jerel who was responsible for our having made available the Russia. No. 1 (1919) Report, the 1919 U.S. Gov't. Memorandum on the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, and other important documents crucial to our understanding of Jewish treachery and the history of the last 200 years. Listen to the interview here >

Who is Behind White Genocide?

This documentary video hosted by White Rabbit at Down The Rabbit Hole is an expose of all the treasonous whites and non-whites who desire to reduce, replace and destroy the white race. Just listen to their own words. After watching this video you will be convinced that white genocide is definitely real! Watch the video here >

Satanists Advance World War

  As the world teeters on the brink of world war, remember that all world wars are orchestrated by globalists (Freemasons on both sides) to ...