Saturday, July 6, 2024

Druthers Newspaper - July 2024


*  Carbon Emissions DO NOT Cause “Global Warming”
*  The Club of Sociopaths
*  Europe on Verge of Making “Hate Speech” a Serious Crime
*  Draconian City Council Measures Stifle Free Speech and Public Participation
*  Pandemic Preparedness Bill Quietly Passes Parliament
*  What the Government, Media, and Health Services Failed to Tell Nova Scotians
*  60 Years of Failing Flu Vaccines
*  W.H.O. Power Grab: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
*  From Heroes to Zeroes
*  Recap of 77th World Health Assembly
*  Detransitioners Testify in US Government Hearings
*  And many more . . .

Read the July edition of Druthers Newspaper online here:

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar - Full Audio Book

Explore the thought-provoking ideas of Esther Vilar's groundbreaking book, "The Manipulated Man," in this captivating audio book. First published in 1971, this controversial work offers a provocative and unconventional perspective on gender dynamics and the role of men in society.

In "The Manipulated Man," Vilar fearlessly challenges traditional notions of gender roles and argues that men have been systematically manipulated by women throughout history. With her bold and polemical style, she examines the dynamics of power, exploitation, and the inherent differences between men and women

Listen to full audio book on YouTube >

Friday, July 5, 2024

Interview with Bradlee Dean of Sons of Liberty Radio

Bradlee Dean is the founder of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International and The Sons of Liberty, a ministry with a mission to reshape America by re-directing the current and future generations both morally and spiritually through education, media, and the Judeo-Christian values found in our U.S. Constitution. He is host of the live, nationally syndicated radio broadcast, The Sons of Liberty, a weekly columnist for 40 columns nation-wide, and drummer of the band Junkyard Prophet. Listen to show here >

The Covid to "Hate" Pipeline & Imprisonment For Protesting Covid Rules

Morgan May joins Lana from Canada to discuss her association with Diagolon and how what started as a funny fictitious meme nation became Canada's scapegoat to usher in new totalitarian hate speech laws. We'll also cover her outrageous imprisonment for protesting against Covid era lies near the residence of Nova Scotia chief medical officer Dr. Robert Strang and what followed. Watch show here >

What Shall We Do With the African?

There’s an excellent book called What Shall We Do With the Negro? on what Lincoln thought about blacks.  Yes, he wanted the slaves to be free, but his number-one goal was to get blacks out of America.

I have been thinking about Lincoln in light of a similar question: “What shall we do with the African?” A lot of people are asking. If you think that’s a “racist” question, believe me, no one is saying, “Just leave Africa alone; it’ll turn out fine.”

That’s because the population of black Africa is, quite literally, out of control.

Listen or read here >

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Politics Is Not The Answer

One puppet US president or the other won't change anything the American plantation enslavement will continue onward unabated under a different perception just as it's been done for decades! It's an Aristocratic Club and the majority isn't allowed to join!

Watch The David Icke Show here > Show starts at 1:14 timestamp

BaoFeng Ham Radio From Newbie to Skilled in 60 minutes

Today we're trying a new kind of live stream. We're taking the Baofeng UV5R and we're going to go from absolute beginner to some of the advanced use cases you might want to use.  NOTE:  the things we cover will work the same or similar with other Chinese radios.

Time to Exit Public Schools

Dr. Duke Pesta sits down with Alex Newman to discuss how now is the perfect time to homeschool your kids and get them out of the public schools.

 Watch video here >

There are countless reasons for all parents to immediately protect their children from government schools, as quickly as possible. Here are the top 18 reasons presented by Public School Exit:

 Read the Public School Exit article here >

The Dire Consequences of Race Mixing

You would think that informing people about the negative consequences of race mixing would be gratefully received and seen as similar to giving warnings about the dangers of smoking or eating “fast food,” but when the subject is brought up and you try to warn people about it, they don’t appreciate it and instead accuse you of “hating” people of mixed race such as mulattoes. If common people knew the facts about the differences among the different races they would then realize that it is actually the parents of mixed race people who hate them by forcing on them their genetic status in the first place.

Herein it is hoped to give common people –in particular Whites– an understanding of real life negative consequences of race mixing resulting mainly from psychological conditioning, mostly acquired in the Jewish controlled mass media for specific purposes related to their quest for world control. There is very little or nothing around devoted to this subject and most people seem as if they have never really thought about it before while the fact is that one quick fumble in bed can have long lasting negative effects on all successive generations. Read more >

George Floyd: A Test Case in Anti-White Hatred

Ignoring the basic facts, the mass media has engaged in endless incitement and anti-white hatred, repeating over and over again how “white racism” is to blame, and maintaining that the Floyd incident was merely another example of how wicked white police are to innocent blacks. The mob, acting upon the mass media’s incitement, has in turn engaged in rioting, looting, and vandalism across America and Europe. The facts of the case clearly show that in any normal unbiased and objective court, the charges against the officers would be thrown out without further ado. Read more >

Gavin Newsom Just Signed a Bill Criminalizing Memes

Gavin Newsom just signed a bill making memes and parody illegal in his state. And no, this is not a meme. This is for real. The Democrat par...