Thursday, April 11, 2024

Christians Have Bought Tribulation Lie

Christians across North America believe that one day they will be raptured and will be spared the "Tribulation" and "Antichrist." 

They might be surprised to learn that the false doctrines of the rapture and dispensationalism were invented in 1830 by John Darby. 

In fact, you won't find the word "rapture" in the Bible. It's a hoax. But this didn't stop Cyrus Ingerson Scofield from stealing Darby's deceptive doctrines and incorporating them in his Scofield Reference Bible which was first published in 1909 and revised in 1917. Labeled a charlatan and heretic by Christian author Stephen Sizeman, shyster Scofield even conferred a doctorate on himself in 1892. You can read more about this scoundrel here.
In spite of Scofield's sordid background, the erroneous rapture doctrine was popularized by Hal Lindsay in his book The Late Great Planet Earth in 1970 and sensationalized by Tim LaHaye with his apocalyptic Left Behind series of books beginning in 1995.  

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