Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Zombie Trance: Was the ‘Covid’ Period a Mass Conversion Event?

I thought I was done with writing about the events of the last 4 years. The ‘plandemic’ or ‘convid’ had taken up sufficient of my thinking time. I’m now certain there was no pandemic, no novel virus, whatever happened can be explained by iatrogenics and psychogenic effects. A mass hysteria. At the same time, I have become more and more disturbed by what I have been calling the ‘zombie trance’. There’s something missing from vast swathes of the population, something that used to be just behind the eyes, call it understanding, discernment, awareness, empathy, it’s like someone turned a switch off. We’re surrounded by soulless beings. And I got to thinking, could these two phenomena be linked? Have I missed what the entire point of the ‘convid’ period was? Have we all been played?  Read more >

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Sane Asylum with Giuseppe Vafanculo, Dave Scorpio, James Mason and Dave Gahary

Scorpio and Giuseppe are joined by Legendary Author of the Siege Newsletter Series (1980-86). James Mason returns to The Sane Asylum to look back on his remarkable life and how far ahead of the curve he truly was. and Owner Dave Gahary joins the discussion as editor of the amazing new official Siege Anthology. This is a MUST OWN book and a MUST VIEW show discussion. Watch show here >

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Lithium and 15-Minute Cities

Hurricanes and lithium with cricket burgers and feudal cities: Pastor Eli’s Take on Lithium Mining in North Carolina and Hurricane Helene. Obey Yahweh’s laws and be safe.

Watch the show here >

The 5G Grid is a 'Kill-Switch' for the Vax’d?! The Beast Banking System coming soon?!

During lockdown on March 24th, President Trump signs a new executive order called The Secure 5G Act and Beyond and sets up the Electro-Magnetic Radiation Task Force to look at the implication of these weapon systems. Mark Steele, BioWeapons and 5G expert, joins DeAnna Lorraine to discuss the dangers of 5G. Watch show here >

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Organized Jewry's Business Model is Theft

 As an ethnic Jew, it pains me to say that the essence of Cabalist Judaism, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry is to plunder, enslave & exterminate the goyim and to establish a Satanic dispensation on earth. Don't believe me?  Communism and Judaism are identical.  Look at the planks of the Communist Manifesto.   Do they remind you of Agenda 2030?  No private property. The state will own it all- the state being a proxy for the Jewish central bankers who hold its "debt."  No property, no marriage & family. No free speech. No free inquiry and genuine education. They want to steal everything, especially your soul. We cannot understand our situation unless we understand that we are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry. Read more >

The End is Near for Trudeau Liberals! RCMP Investigations have Begun.

In this video there is a powerful presentation by MP, James Bezan summarizing Trudeau and The Liberal Party’s Reign of Corruption. MUST WATCH!

Holy SH*T! Bill Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents

Not only is Bill Gates invested heavily in Tampa's 15-minute-city waterfront project, but he's also the proud patent holder of Hurricane controlling patents. Truth is truly stranger than fiction. Watch show here >

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

WEATHER WARFARE & GEO-TERRORISM: Here’s how the geoengineers make, amp up and aim these superstorms

 “Where it concerns the formation, intensification and direction of weaponized Hurricane Helene, the NWO geoterrorists have again used their highly advanced geoengineering technologies to further perfect the chemical geoengineering and HAARP-frequency techniques, as well as to integrate the NEXRAD Doppler radar station transmitters and moisture-producing power plants into their hurricane manufacturing repertoire.”

“There are now several means by which a superstorm like Hurricane Helene can be created from scratch, steered and intensified by the weather warriors. In addition to the previously mentioned, the geoengineers are also routinely utilizing sophisticated techniques such as Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking and Laser-guided Weather Modification. Satellite-based Lasers are becoming more prevalent in space just as Ionospheric Heaters are on the ground such as the facility in Puerto Rico which is quite similar to HAARP in Alaska.” Read more >

Appalachia: Murder Always Happens for a Reason

Something evil is going on in the North Carolina mountains. Untold potential for riches are there for the taking in the mountains of Appalachia. The Americans living in the mountains are the only barrier. Murder always happens for a reason.  It is no less than mass murder. Reports of a complete absence of state or federal assistance in the devastated areas hit by Hurricane Helene are now crowding the social media airwaves. Bodies floating down the rivers. Bodies hanging in trees. Tangled in piles of debris. Utility company linemen are the first into most of the demolished areas. They report finding children as young as three wandering naked in the mud, crying for their parents, some with ropes dangling from where their parents lashed them in desperation to timber. The smell of death is everywhere. About 1 million souls lived in these Western North Carolina counties, with additional souls dying in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee.  Read more >

Monday, October 7, 2024

Inside UN’s “Pact for the Future” to Kill National Sovereignty

The United Nations’ recently held Summit of the Future in New York City served as the platform for the renovation of the organization into “UN 2.0,” revealed journalists Alex Newman and Andrew Muller on InfoWars’ hit show, The American Journal. This includes reforming the UN Security Council, possibly stripping the United States of its veto power, controlling information, and expanding education into “lifelong learning.” As Newman and Muller debrief on their findings, they encourage readers to critically examine these global initiatives and consider how global decisions echo through national policies and impact national and individual sovereignty.  Watch show here >

The Zombie Trance: Was the ‘Covid’ Period a Mass Conversion Event?

I thought I was done with writing about the events of the last 4 years. The ‘plandemic’ or ‘convid’ had taken up sufficient of my thinking...